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37 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

An important question for policy makers, in the G20 and beyond, is how to bring climate action into the broader sustainable development agenda. Objectives like energy poverty eradication, increased well-being and welfare, air quality improvement, energy security enhancement, and food and water availability will continue to remain important over the next several decades. There have been relatively ...
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IST-Africa (2016 - 2018) (IST-Africa 2016-2018)

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

IST-Africa (2016 - 2018) has 4 complimentary objectives focused on strengthening ICT-related research and innovation cooperation between Europe and Africa: 1) Foster greater coordination of research and innovation activities; 2) Strengthen research and innovation linkages, increase awareness of research and innovation capacity and cooperation opportunities, and support mutually beneficial collabor ...
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Description (EN): THE4BEES builds on the hypothesis: Energy is consumed by people rather than by buildings. Although most of the strategies to achieve energy efficiency in buildings focus on technical mitigation measures, to reach the ambitious goals on Low Carbon set by EU and Alpine Strategy, both structural and soft approaches shall be considered in a complementary way across the ...
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The EVER-EST project will enhance Research and Capacity Building in the Earth Science (ES) domain, by providing a generic Service Oriented-based Architecture Virtual Research Environment (VRE) tailored to the needs of the ES community. The full range of both generic and ES data management specific services provided by EVER-EST will facilitate the dynamic approach to collaborative working and rese ...
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IST-Africa Initiative 2014 - 2015 (IST-Africa 2014-2015)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

The main objectives of IST-Africa (2014 – 2015) are to· Support implementation of Information Society, ICT and Innovation related aspects of the Africa – EU Strategic Partnership and associated dialogues between the European Commission (EC) and EU Member States with the African Union Commission (AUC), African Member States and other Key Regional Organisations· Foster partnerships between EU and Af ...
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Support to the Grand Coalition for ICT jobs (DIGITALJOBS)

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

Exploitation of ICT has a crucial role to play in Europe's future prosperity and well-being. The single largest obstacle to harnessing the power of ICT is a shortage of skills, particularly ICT practitioners, where the shortfall is estimated at 900,000. President Barroso remarked on this problem following the final session of the EC on 15 March - "Opportunities exist and we must train our young p ...
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Scientific research is no longer conducted within national boundaries and is becoming increasing dependent on the large-scale analysis of data, generated from instruments or computer simulations housed in trans-national facilities, by using e Infrastructure (distributed computing and storage resources linked by high-performance networks).The 48 month EGI-InSPIRE project will continue the transitio ...
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The aim of this initiative is to address priorities a) and c) of the call INFRA-2011-1.2.2: Data infrastructures for e-Science. It is about delivering long-term preservation services as part of the data infrastructure for e-Science.We aim to deliver generic infrastructure services for science data preservation that address the persistent storage, access and management required by the call and to b ...
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1. Background & problem to be addressed Cloud-based, virtualised IT platforms & infrastructures offer a strong potential to deliver cost-effective, scalable digital public services and to unlock regional growth and competitiveness. EC promotes a common EU Cloud Strategy as a means to help governments and citizens to access and develop advanced online services. The South East Europe (SEE) area suff ...
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Boosting Regional Development with ICT-Innovation-Strategies (BORDWIIS+)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Jun 29, 2014,

... ICT development and a template was defined to identify and describe collaborative models (good practices). A visit to INRIA in Nancy was organised and two development projects – smart home and computer virus DNA – were introduced to the Kick-off participants. The University of Wuppertal prepared a report about the current ICT policies in all partner regions as well as a “Step by step-model” aim ...
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Although highly successful in many important sectors, European manufacturing businesses based on many SMEs will continue to suffer strong competition from countries such as India and China. To prosper in the long run, European companies need to develop new business strategies which combine innovation, research and technology, a highly skilled workforce and their overall operational effectiveness i ...
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"Climate policy needs to aim at ambitious long-term climate stabilization. This will require managing the transition from carbon intensive to low carbon economies within this century. Research on mitigation pathways to a low carbon society and the associated mitigation costs is indispensable for informing policy makers. The project AMPERE is aiming for a broad exploration of mitigation pathways an ...
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Description Advancing the Evolution and Benchmaking of Multimedia and Multilingual Information SystemMeasuring is a key to scientific progress. This is particularly true for research concerning complex systems, whether natural or human-built. Multilingual and multimedia information systems are increasingly complex: they need to satisfy di ...
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Navigational system for efficient maritime transport (Navtronic)

Start date: Oct 1, 2009, End date: Jul 31, 2013,

There is a strong interest in the maritime community to optimize sailing time (expected time of arrival), reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions and minimize maintenance cost. The objective of this project is to develop a sail planning system to help sea masters optimize these criteria. The proposed solution mimics the current human sail planning process. It will use ship specific da ...
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INNOvation TRAINing IT Central Europe (INNOTRAIN IT)

Start date: Mar 31, 2010, End date: Mar 30, 2013,

Information technologies are regarded as key drivers of innovation in SMEs. However, many SMEs, particularly in the production sector, still have difficulties in utilizing these new technologies efficiently in order to foster process and product innovation. This is partly due to the fact that many SMEs dont use IT Service Management and waste many (financial and personal) resources in running basi ...
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Background The EU needed a better information base for the Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution and the negotiations of post-Kyoto climate agreements. Reaching political acceptance of further environmental measures required: identification of the most cost-effective measures; demonstration of their full range of environmental benefits taking into account si ...
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Open Source software usage by European Public Administrations (OSEPA)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

FOSS represents a potential of significant competitiveness gains of its adopters, both for public administrations as well as citizens and companies. As a result, it is of vital importance to examine how and whether appropriate public policies can alleviate barriers and inhibitors rendering the potential benefits of FOSS actual ones and enhancing the competitiveness of European economies.Public adm ...
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motion of ICTs usage by SMEs as an enabler of Value Networks (ICT-VN)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

...nformation society, regional development and business and innovation sector: LP: (Spain) Navarra Fundación Dedalo para la Sociedad de la Información. P2: (Greece) Regional Development Sector, R.A. Computer Technology Institute. P3 (Italy) Emilia Romagna ERVET Economic Development Agency L.t.d. P4: Malta Communications Authority.P5: (Denmark) Agro Business Park. P6: (Belgium) TeleRegions Network. ...
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A DLA is a common strategy, shared with citizens, for the development of the Information Society which bears in mind socio-economic, cultural and institutional factorsThe main objective of the project is to improve regional policies in the fields of DLA for developing new actions related to the application of the IS to public services. To do so, the project will foster a permanent exchange of expe ...
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Throughout the EU, increased reliance on the car has resulted in high levels of congestion and more pollution, leading to economic, environmental and health problems for our regions and cities. ERDF investment in infrastructure could accelerate this trend if parallel alternative measures are not introduced at the same time. Mobility Management aims to reduce reliance on the car by encouraging tra ...
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The industrial informatics and embedded systems sectors present leading edge technology sectors that provide a competitive advantage for Europe. The SEE area is mostly characterized by developing low-wage based economies that will face a need for change in the near future. In order for these economies to be competitive in the globalised economy, focus should be placed on their transformation to kn ...
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The SEALING project, targeting the objective 9.1a of the FP7 ICT work programme, aims at supporting the development of Information Society policy dialogues and the strengthening of cooperation on ICT research with the ASEAN region in general (a region of strategic importance for the EU), and with Singapore in particular (a country with which a MoU on ICT has been signed).It builds on the results a ...
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For several years rural areas have been suffering from big difficulties and troubles occurred in the competitiveness, the attractiveness and the unemployment field. A problem which is typical for many Central Europe areas, characterized by marginality problems depopulation, demographical changes due to a progressive ageing of local population along with a deep lack and inadequacy of the territoria ...
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The main objective of the Digital Cities (DC) project is to tackle the very low rate of ICT (Information Communication Technologies) penetration at local level by providing the organizational structures, strategies/policies and tools (called altogether DC model) for enabling the rapid and sustainable adoption of ICT at local level and the development of digital cities in a broad European level. Th ...
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SEE-GRID eInfrastructure for regional eScience (SEE-GRID-SCI)

Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: Apr 30, 2010,

eInfrastructure in Europe has reached a mature state where the GÉANT network forms a backbone on top of which a distributed computing infrastructure – the Grid – provides processing and storage services for eScience research. The South-East European eInfrastructure initiatives are committed to ensuring equal participation of the less-resourced countries of the region in European trends. SEEREN ini ...
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Broadband Access for Innovation and Regional Development (BIRD)

Start date: Nov 29, 2005, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

The main aim of the BIRD project was to exchange experience and expertise on broadband implementation to enhance regional (rural) broadband access and usage. Achievements: and local level, recommendations for broadband as a tool for regional development and has given re ...
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Baltic Rural Broadband Project (BalticBroadband)

Start date: Jun 23, 2005, End date: Apr 29, 2008,

The Baltic Rural Broadband Project contributed to the improvement of broadband access in selected rural areas of all BSR EU member states and Norway. Means of the project were the identification and dissemination of best practice examples, (further) development of local or sub regional broadband strategies. Furthermore importance was paid to awareness rising and encouragement of local stakeholders ...
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Integrated urban waste-managment model (IUWMM)

Start date: Mar 31, 2005, End date: Sep 29, 2007,

As EU societies become wealthier they create more waste. OECD estimates that every EU citizen generates 550kg solid waste per year and this number is likely to increase to 640kg by the year 2020. To address the rising waste stream, urban areas need effective municipal solid waste management (MSW) concepts that not only build upon innovative new technologies (e.g., in the recycling field), but also ...
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The operation “Enhance health: Environmental health surveillance system in urban areas near incinerators and industrial premises” is based on environmental and health concerns in relation to air pollution produced by industrial premises and waste incinerators in urban areas. The simultaneous presence of industrial and urban settlements and waste incinerators in urban areas and the related problem ...
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Technology-oriented start-ups are important for regional development in terms of job creation and attracting new investment to the region. Many regions and cities, therefore, try to boost spin-offs and encourage related job-creation. While most of these approaches are local or regional in character, international cooperation should help to identify good practices and transfer successful policy ins ...
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Interregional response to natural and man-made catastrophes (SIPROCI)

Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2006,

The SIPROCI project connected 13 partners from 7 European countries in order to discuss and develop new approaches, perform field tests and pilot exercises of disaster management. One element of the projects activities was the exchange of best practices for good disaster management and to lay down minimum standards and rules for Local Plan of Civil Protection, which can be of use for any local aut ...
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Historic trade routes are important and visible artefacts signifying the connection of different countries and civilisations. The routes can also act as a gateway to understand the common European history. The ROME project aims at linking important historical, cultural and trade routes of the Romans along the ancient roads with todays life by promoting tourism and a sustainable cultural developmen ...
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Often people engaged in creative fields such as web design (WD) and computer animation (CA) have gained their knowledge, skills and competence through a kind of informal learning (IL). Gradually validation of IL has become a EU priority in the field of VET being “seen as a way of improving lifelong and life-wide learning”. Although addressed to a different extent in various EU countries, the issue ...
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Planning and mainly spatial planning is about the spatial dimension of development. It is concerned not only with architecture work, but also with where people live and work, the location of social and economic activity, and the way in which resources we possess in limited supply are exploited to achieve socio-economic objectives. Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) is the base collection of techno ...
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The result of the ESoCAET II project is a training course for Finite Element Method (FEM), a part of Computer Aided Engineering (CAE). Due to the development of more efficient methodology, there is an increase in the importance of CAE as computers continue to supplement the old method of trial and error.CAE has applications in multiple fields such as classic frame work stability analysis, crash si ...
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Young Blue Entrepreneurs across the world aims to inspire and motivate young with fewer opportunities, unemployed young people and students in coastal cities and islands through cooperation to acquire the skills to start a business or to get interested in job opportunities within the maritime industry through the creation of a network, capacity building and blue job-shadowing activities. This par ...
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The core objectives of the SLOT project are intended:- To set up a common definition of the learning outcomes describing sectorial training programmes focussing on the transparency of the qualification contents;- To assess, validate, recognize and accumulate those learning outcomes acquired for better mobility.The consortium identifies this project as a prior and major step leading to a proper and ...
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