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Transnational Holistic Ecosystem 4 Better Energy Efficiency through Social innovation (THE4BEES)
Start date: Dec 16, 2015, End date: Dec 15, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Description (EN): THE4BEES builds on the hypothesis: Energy is consumed by people rather than by buildings. Although most of the strategies to achieve energy efficiency in buildings focus on technical mitigation measures, to reach the ambitious goals on Low Carbon set by EU and Alpine Strategy, both structural and soft approaches shall be considered in a complementary way across the AS area.THE4BEES focuses on the behavioural changes of users in public buildings needed to achieve reduction of energy consumption. Such changes will be originated by the use of innovative ICT applications developed by a transnational ecosystem.The Project will set-up transnational Labs involving academia, decision makers and key administrations, entrepreneurship and citizens. Awareness raising and capacity building actions will prepare the ground for a Co-Creation activity aimed at the development of software applications (mobile apps, serious games, social interaction).Those applications  will be used by the target groups in the demonstration sites (schools, houses, factories) to encourage behavioural changes for energy efficiency and carbon footprint reduction. Behavioural changes and energy reduction will be assessed and will improve transnational, regional and local low carbon and spatial development policies. Sustainable exploitation will also be analysed in order to maximize effectiveness and trigger economic development of the Alpine Space. Expected Results (EN): Level of Implementation of low carbon policy instruments Expected Outputs (EN): Main results are:[R1] increased awareness on energy efficient behaviour and its impact on carbon footprint[R2] participated improvement of low carbon policiesThe harmonic combination of [R1] and [R2] will contribute to the enhancement of low carbon policy instruments (practical responses to the specific needs), while the presence - either direct or indirect in the partnership - of policy makers will guarantee the of implementation.
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  • 79%   2 290 449,65
  • 2014 - 2020 INTERREG VB Alpine Space
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

12 Partners Participants