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23 European Projects Found

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...onomic impact, the benefits of IoT-based smart living environments in the quality of life and autonomy, and in the sustainability of the health and social care systems, demonstrating the seamless capacity of integration and interoperability of the IoT ecosystem, and validating new business, financial and organizational models for care delivery, ensuring the sustainability after the project end, an ...
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...h at least 200 urban furniture items being acquired using the GUF Tool. The use of the tool will help ensure a range of environmental benefits, for example, in terms of climate change, eco-toxicity and resource depletion. In particular, the project will: Help users to understand GPP criteria; Aid in the selection of the best solutions in terms of GPP; and Encourage public bodies to include g ...
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...f viable solutions for sustainable cities by enhancing cooperation between HEIs and regional authorities such as municipalities, incubators (e.g. by introducing an international Sustainable City student competition and a Start-Up competition for students). The expected impacts include: an increased sustainability in urban areas, an increased collaboration between regional authorities, businesses a ...
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100% Youth City

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

100% Youth City is KA2 Strategic partnership to develop an innovative approach to new generation of City Youth friendly Policies.The project aims to create and develop a quality label "100% Youth City", on Youth Friendly policies city and the all certification process to implement it.Project will combine the Structured Dialogue methodology and a new and innovative tool defined by the European Unio ...
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The overarching goal of AFE-INNOVNET is to set up a large EU wide community of local and regional authorities (LRAs) and other relevant stakeholders who want to work together to find smart and innovative evidence based solutions to support active and healthy ageing and develop age-friendly environments (AFE).Many innovative solutions supporting active and healthy ageing have been developed as pilo ...
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My Generation at Work

Start date: Jan 31, 2013, End date: Apr 29, 2015,

The main objective of My Generation at Work is to promote the employability of young people in a changing labour market, with special focus on enterprising skills and attitudes. The network will produce three sets of practical results: reduced drop-out and brain drain with new connections between education and work, (self) employment for young people in identified economic sectors and creation of ...
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Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) play a decisive role in the competitiveness of the European economy. To contribute to its consolidation throughout their life cycle, has become a priority at European Level. To this respect, the first five years in an enterprises life are the most difficult, in the sense that survival one year does not seem to improve markedly its prospects of surviving o ...
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Energy Efficiency in Low-income Housing in the Mediterranean (ELIH-Med)

Start date: Mar 31, 2011, End date: Mar 30, 2014,

ELIH-Med project objective is to identify and conduct a large scale experimentation of cost effective solutions and innovative public and private financing mechanisms backed with Structural Funds to foster energy efficiency investment in low income housin Achievements: ...
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artnership on European Regional Innovation Agencies (PERIA)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

PERIA is a co-operation project between Regional Innovation Agencies and Regional Authorities in Europe with the aims of: • sharing experience and methodologies on innovation services and policies• learning from each other in the management of regional innovation systems.PERIA focuses on regional innovation policy and on the tools used for implementing innovation: the Regional Innovation Agency (R ...
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...road network is heavily loaded, resulting in traffic congestion & negative economic as well as environmental effects, sea-based transport, especially intra-European short sea shipping, shows high capacity reserves. These imbalances may only be equalized within the framework of integrated concepts for the transport chain as a whole, combining its maritime angle with the hinterland one. By realizing ...
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My Generation

Start date: Nov 20, 2008, End date: Jul 18, 2011,

... Achievements: Documents/reports:Overview of outputs18/02/2015My Generation - Gothenborg study visit Rotterdam 201020/01/2015My Generation – Gothenburg city visit to Rotterdam and Antwerp – March 201020/01/2015My Generation – Gothenburg city visit to Rotterdam and Antwerp – March 201020/01/2015My Generation – Local support group Gothenburg – March 2010 ...
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...round Despite the manifest environmental benefits of public transit, the daily or periodic maintenance operations of an urban bus transport fleet in a large city such as Valencia can itself be damaging in terms of the effluents released. For bodywork, the washing water, containing low quantities of oils and fats with low COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) v ...
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Mobility Project to Advance

Start date: Sep 16, 2010,

This mobility project will advance the internationalization of undergraduate business education by developing a transatlanticexchange model that draws on the special opportunities that exist at each partner insitution and integrates them into a curriculumdesign that will provide students and faculty with unique international learning and teaching experiences. The focus will be on theintegration of ...
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Start date: Oct 1, 2009,

REASONS: The knowledge of consumer behavior is of great relevance from the economic and civic point of view. There must be a pool of knowledge in consumer behavior that allows the firms and other associations and public organisms to take appropriate decisions regarding the market. Currently this knowledge is neither organized nor clearly disseminated. When dealing with cross-cultural consumer beha ...
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As Universities began to embrace Lifelong Learning, quality assurance approaches were required to be adapted, to take into account a more diverse range of learner needs and practices. Traditional learning programmes had to be considered alongside other forms of learning and support (e.g. open and distance learning; accreditation of prior learning). Responding to this need, 32 partners from across ...
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The area of languages is a major strategic concern for the future of Europe. This network will address five key aspects. (1) Intercultural communication as the ability to navigate different cultures within the global knowledge economy. (2) Education of language teachers. (3) Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) in European higher education. (4) Learning about the literature and culture ...
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Repeated criminal acts make up a large part of the delinquency statistics in Europe.Studies show that a small number of people commit three quarters of some categoriesof offence. Politicians are searching for a prevention policy to help target this group inorder to monitor them and prevent them from repeating their crimes. This preventivepolicy requires more staff and more imagination in preparing ...
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...ality management systems, knowledge management systems and business networks. The result is a lack of these specially designed tools catering to the specific needs of small town businesses. The Small City Commerce Project, thus, aims to develop a training plan that covers these three basic pillars jointly and globally, three pillars which are not only of importance to large companies. This project ...
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...trol plan based on EU practice and the Bologna process will be adopted for the proposed study programs with regard to students and teachers. The project will contribute to enhancing the technical capacity of HFET, and hence the student learning outcomes, through a number of technical and teaching labs which will be part of the project outputs.
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...o reducing energy and potable water use, the result is less water pollution from contaminated runoff, less flooding, replenished water supplies, and often more natural-looking, aesthetically pleasing cityscapes. In summary, the use of SuDS reduces energy consumption in cities by: - Reducing use of potable water, hence, energy consumed by acquisition -frequently by pumping- and treatment of drinkin ...
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...ct, the market of capitals and subsidies for the sector is well developed in Europe (but less in South Europe). On the other side, it was clear to all investors that the energy sector development capacity is strictly related to their dependence on regulation and subsidies by EU, National and local institution, and this variable is consider a limit for the decisions to be taken. In fact, this scena ...
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...ject objectives are: 1) creating RSD multidisciplinary curricula for students in engineering; 2) integrating e-learning & advanced infrastructure for amplifying UA universities training capacity; 3) developing academic-industrial-business–governmental RSD network. The following outputs & outcomes are expected: 1) human resources (25 trainers) development on the basis of RSD competence profiles wit ...
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