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24 European Projects Found

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Project “E-Utilities” aims to improve quality of municipal utilities services by using ICT tools and creating new electronic services for consumers in water and heating supply, sewerage collection and street lighting systems.Project unites 16 partners in Latvia and Lithuania who will also engage in joint experience exchange, training and communication activities.
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My Social Responsibility (My Response)

Start date: Apr 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2014,

...important tool for promoting integration. Municipalities will have improved public infrastructure, get new social service and its providers. Regions will get database on social services, improved capacity of each involved partner/organization/person and more sustainable society. Achie ...
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...ure effective elimination of flood consequences. As flood does much damage to environment, people and whole region Šiauliai and Zemgale fire and rescue services together with Šiauliai and Jelgava city municipalities decided to unite in fighting this disaster. The project aims to improve civil defence efficiency and cooperation in fighting against the effects caused by flood. Project objective is t ...
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Project partners: Jelgava City Council Institution "Sport Service Centre" (LV) and Siauliai City Municipality Budget Institution "Siauliai Football Academy" (LT) have worked out cross border cooperation project which contributes to achievement of Programme objective - attractive living environment and development of sustainable community. Project cross border activities are planned to exchange exp ...
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...n in the Region in many national and municipal schools are lack of financial means in order to provide high quality teaching process and to attract new students. The Secondary Music school of Jelgava city is one of the nine national music high schools in Latvia and serves as methodical center of Zemgale region, where are involved 17 professional music schools of closest neighbourhod. Siauliai 1st ...
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Business ineptness and poorly equipped life-long learning centres are the main cause for dissatisfaction among region’s entrepreneurs. The aim of the project is to enhance the competitiveness of Latvia–Lithuania border regions by eliminating the obstacles to its development. Therefore, business and education support centres will be created by renovating premises of life-long learning institutions ...
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Project aims at creating supporting environment for the development of creative industries in the project areas and fostering the sustainability of economy. It will also facilitate the commercialization of creative business ideas in the audio-visual, multimedia and design by establishing cooperation networks and supporting infrastructure at the level of local municipalities. It is planned to impro ...
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The aim of the project is to improve technical base and develop technology transfer centres in order to provide access for every individual who is interested in it and enhance development of entrepreneurship in cross-border areas of Jelgava and Siauliai regions. During the project four project partners, two local municipalities and two universities, plan to improve the educational programme for bu ...
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Due to the recent economic crisis and prevailing sentiment of passivity, disbelief and indifference among the inhabitants of the project area, Siauliai City Municipality Administration and Jelgava City Council have joined their initiatives for revitalising the local communities, especially the younger part of them. Thus, the aim of the project is raising the attractiveness of Jelgava and Siauliai ...
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Energy Efficient and Integrated Urban Development Action (Urb.Energy)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Jan 23, 2012, developed taking into account existing funding possibilities. The partnership composition will be supported by a strong network of 20 associated organisations consisting of responsible ministries, city administrations and relevant stakeholders from the fields of housing administration, energy and financing. Within three WPs, the partners will jointly analyse existing approaches in the countries ...
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The aim of the project is to reduce administrative burden for entrepreneurs in Latvia-Lithuania cross-border regions by improving business environment and making region better for the businesses. The first phase of the project analysed the administrative burden in Jelgava and Siauliai cities and estimated that directly or indirectly business-related administrative burden in Jelgava and Siauliai am ...
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... situations, thus improving the safety of citizens, property and physical assets on both sides of the border. During the project two equipped emergency cars were procured and premises of the Siauliai city emergency medical centre were renovated. For the purpose of warning local inhabitants, alarm sirens were installed. For the use of Siauliai county Fire and Rescue Board the most modern equipment ...
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Baltic Euroregional Network (BEN)

Start date: Jul 11, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2008, the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) by strengthening Euroregions as competent partners with national authorities and international institutions, and by building a network of Euroregions for continuous capacity-building and sharing of experience. In order to achieve the objectives, the project aimed at increasing the institutional capacity and strategic planning capabilities of the Euroregions through a ...
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...cities.The project enables local authorities to develop their working methods, skills, and personnel in order to significantly contribute to all the dimensions on sustainable development within their city. Cross-sectoral co-operation is emphasized. One key aspect of SUSTAINMENT is to provide a forum for cities – despite their varying local situations - to learn from and support each other in this ...
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...lance in cities and regions. Structural change of the sector with increasing spatial concentration (shopping centres, big retail outlets) – often outside integrated areas – is interdependent with city centre development and has negative effects on the functional balance in the polycentric system of BSR cities and regions.Aspects of this transformation are a decreasing number of outlets, limited ac ...
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Background Municipalities are central to local environmental initiatives and management. In recent years, however, their task has grown more complex, with new legislation and activities related to the local Agenda 21. There is consequently a requirement for better methods of coordination and prioritisation. Some municipalities have used the EU Eco-Managem ...
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...onal network.13 pilot actions for trying, testing, investigating and disseminating information on different cycling issues have been carried out. Five pilot actions within the work package Attractive City and five pilot actions within the work package Sustainable City. Moreover a vision of the Bicycle city and a website have been realized. To inspire other cities to take a step into the world of u ...
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The VHB ZONE Project Development of Baltic Tourist Network in Via Hanseatica Development Zone was launched in 2004 to address tourism development in all administrative districts surrounding the E77 – A3 road spanning from Panemune in South-West Lithuania to Narva in North-East Estonia (688km).The project concentrated on tourism development in the designated rural areas of Eastern Estonia, Central ...
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Welfare housing policies for senior citizens (Wel_hops)

Start date: Mar 31, 2005, End date: Sep 29, 2007,

...ines for planning and carrying out housing projects for senior citizens, which will be tested in a series of pilot activities. Expected results / Résultats attendus WELHOPS results in higher capacity and better know-how concerning housing of senior citizens in the participating regions. Improved policies and housing conditions support independence and foster a better quality of life in the urban c ...
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...orated. In order to reach the Project overall objective, 3 Project sub-objectives are set that will be reached by implementation of thematic Work Packages (WP2-WP4): 1. To raise knowledge and capacity of city planning specialists on effective management, including protection and maintenance of nature resources – Lielupe River basin - located in the city areas that will be achieved by organizing 2 ...
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Cultural heritage and close people-topeoplecontacts between the neighboursin Lithuania and Latvia create environment,which is favourable for intensive cooperationlinks on non-governmental level.The project develops sustainable crossborderinstitutional and people-to-peoplecooperation model in the field of culturebetween Latvia and Lithuania, Jelgava andŠiauliai cities in particular.The results of t ...
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Šiauliai (LT), Bauska, Jelgava andJurmala (LV) cities, situated in the Lieluperiver basin, and are the main polluters ofthe river. The problem of storm water, as asource of pollution in densely populatedareas, has not been duly addressed in theseareas. The overall objective of the project is todecrease pollution in Lielupe river basinresulting from untreated storm water.The project elaborates acti ...
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...ories ofLatvia and Lithuania.The main project results are joint riskmanagement system strategy and riskmanagement information system, technicaldesign of Risk Management Co-ordinationCentre in Jelgava City (LV), and technicaldesign for construction works of EmergencyMedicine Co-ordination Centre’s garage inŠiauliai (LT), developed Institutional and HRDpublic awareness strategy, 140 specialiststrain ...
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The project will work on a well-structured and structural pedagogical approach fully integrating science education in schooling through the establishment of enquire based learning based on an entrepreneurial attitude and practice of pupils and students towards their future. Partners see thereto the necessity and opportunities to thematically connect all sources of knowledge and experience in an Op ...
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