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23 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

DIACEN is proposing a complex solution to preparing for release of prisoners, involving all relevant parties united in adult education activities with the aim of fostering dialogue and expression platform. Our objective is to introduce this solution in 5 European counties with the cooperation of authorities, professionals and end-users, for the direct use in the pre-release period. The aim is to b ...
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Junior on the Job Coach

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2019,

The Junior On The Job Coach project aims to combat the human and financial cost of Early School/College Leaving (ESL). The project is designed to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of work-based learning and apprenticeships; offer leadership opportunities to higher-level students; and support employers in providing work placements and apprenticeships.Three new products will assist young peop ...
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The EU population is ageing. Old age is still associated with infirmity, frailty, or the need for care. We can, however, profit greatly from the competence, creativity and innovative capacity of older people. Project aim is to create conditions for engaging seniors thretened by social exclusion in lifelong learning and their social activation through elaboration of educational offer for organizati ...
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EIGEP project is targeting an educational area extremely challenging but relevant especially in today's context of violent extremism and radicalization: juvenile justice and the quality of learning outcomes arising from this context. At this point, in the European Union there is no common understanding of how education in juvenile justice should be delivered, it is not a topic explicit on the Euro ...
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To succeed in today’s economy, modern society and personal lives, key competences and the related transversal soft skills are considered essential and complementary to formal skills. This postulate has been highlighted by many organizations and taken as a main thematic for this new project called JANUS+.The innovative approach of JANUS+ is however to focus on the importance of soft / transversal s ...
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Since its inception, the European Community has been involved in conflict prevention and crisis management to protect human life and to promote human security. The Treaties of Maastricht and Amsterdam introduced new instruments for political/diplomatic and security/military action under the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP). Gangs and gan ...
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Aim The aim of the project is to provide resources for current VET providers and employers who are interested in implementing apprenticeships and other training placements for the most vulnerable young people in our society. Background There is much evidence of work to engage very vulnerable people in self-development but there is always a problem stepping over into sustained placements and into ...
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Creating Methodologies, Creating Active People

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

CONTEXT:The developed interventions carried out in Europe are mainly focused on offenders and their lack of skills and education through education programmes. Those programmes have been developed without having in mind clear possibilities to access the labor market. That´s why on this project it is planned to carry out new methodologies and innovating tools that are not focused on training but on ...
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Societatea Romana de Chirurgie Vasculara is a private institution, active in the educational and social fields. We aim to promote the culture of lifelong learning through active involvement of all community members in developing a coherent strategy for implementing the concept and practice of “learning throughout life”. This strategy represents the success factor for the transition of the Romanian ...
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The Project is designed to help potential entrepreneurs in their professional activities increasing their success chances in the business world. This will affect positively all the participating countries (RO, ES, IT, LT, CZ, PL) and will imply direct benefits in their economy such as employment growth, more ethical and competitive CEO behaviour, better prepared personnel, reinforced leadership a ...
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Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

The Green Paper. Entrepreneurship in Europe (Brussels, 21.1.2003. COM(2003) 27 final) and the Action Plan: The European agenda for Entrepreneurship. Brussels, 11.02.2004, pose the need to work on entrepreneurship. The "Birth of Ideas" will boost to the entrepreneurship, presenting creative projects models and highlighting the responsible behaviour of many entrepreneurs who respect both today’s and ...
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Prison services are being continuously challenged by society to deliver a complex mission: implement judicial sanctions, keeping society safe of harmful individuals, while preparing inmates return / release with resources that work to prevent recidivism on criminal behaviour. Prison staff, not only educators (social workers, psychologists, etc..), are challenged to comply with this complex mission ...
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Ecological Economics in Prison Work Administration

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Employment is known to be a key factor in helping to reduce re-offending. Research confirms that this social reintegration is directly linked to re-entry into the labour market and prison workshops aim to fulfil a key role in providing and maintaining essential work habits (ExOCoP Policy Forum Berlin (2012); Allan and Steffensmeier (1989); Uggen’s (2000); Visher, Christy, Sara Debus and Jennifer Ya ...
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Social Entrepreneurship Support Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

In recent years, multiple global crises (with food, finance, energy and climate) have heightened concerns about the social, environmental and developmental consequences of large corporations, banks and capital markets. These concerns have ignited interest in “alternative” production and consumption patterns and ways of conducting enterprise for the transition of the European economy. Moving out of ...
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1. CONTEXT: The rapid aging of the population in Europe and the consequent increase on the number of people with some degree of dependence that need attention, creates an increased demand for care workers in Residential and Assisted Living Care field, where there is a growing need of qualified workers all over Europe. In this context, CAREMPLOY goal is to actively promote people's (specially women ...
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Gangs are prevalent in most large cities across the EU for it to be commonplace for public sector professionals to interact and work with gangs /gang members. For professionals like youth workers, teachers, police and probation officers it is a dimension of their job: for others like front line staff in local Government, social security and the health service, gangs and their members can impinge, ...
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EIS ALP project is set from the beginning on finding out what it is that a prison educator has to do that is different or over and above what teachers in other areas of the lifelong learning sector has to do. It is clear that the challenges of an “outside” adult learning professional coming to work in a correctional criminal justice system are high. Due to the strong involvement of LLP programs, p ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2011,

CLAP – Convicts Liberty Aid Project is a response to the harsh reality of a convict facing the first days of liberty. If these days are not well prepared in advance, the risk or returning in prison is so much higher. CLAP aims at assisting the preparation of these days by offering a set of tools to the prison workers and inmates, but more important offer these actors the chance to negotiate and re ...
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"New skills for new jobs" is the new EU strategy that concerns also the ability to solve problems, learning from different disciplines and multicultural experiences,to work and take decisions in a global context. In this sense,VET actors and trainers need to improve their training offer and methodologies in order to boost this kind of skills and aptitudes.This project, through the transfer of an i ...
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PRACTICE aims at the transfer of an innovative training solution, already tested on a previous Leonardo da Vinci project, which will increase access to Lifelong Learning opportunities for Rural Development Agents (RDAs). Transfer will take place in 6 European countries (Cyprus, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Latvia and Slovakia) where there is a limited offer of specialised training aimed at this group ...
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Today, demographic change is a global phenomenon resulting from two almost universal trends: declining fertility and increasing life expectancy. As a consequence most parts of the world will witness demographic aging. For Europe the demographic process above mentioned could cause a gradual shift from a society with quantitatively dominant younger cohorts to a society in which the elderly form a so ...
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Most European countries lack successful resource materials and a proven method to facilitate the transition phase from vocational training in detention to vocational training in public school system, and none have the approach of using key competencies as tools for reintegration. VET offers inside the detention / correction system are based on transmitting information, with no focus on transition ...
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A key aspect of the EU's Sustainable Development Strategy is the raising of awareness through education. Quite simply, not enough has yet been done to recognize the wealth of educational opportunities that are to be found in sustainable environmental choices.This project will take hold of a world-class concept – sustainability through creativity – that is practised by ROC Midden Nederlan & develop ...
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