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5 European Projects Found

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Young innovators are important potential driving force for the innovation in regions of Central Europe, but as the matter of fact their potential is used in a very limited amount. It is also considered that their needs for support are particularly the same as for other Innovators; particularly they are faced with specific issues according to their experiences, knowledge, social inclusion etc.The p ...
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The project general objective is to strengthen the cooperation among clusters from the same thematic field but different geographical origin, through the creation of 5 Strategic Cooperation plans which will result in creation at least 3 so called “meta-clusters”. The project has selected 10 key industries that will be closely examined: Mobility & Logistics; Professional Services; ICT; Automotive & ...
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Central Europe Branch Based Innovation Support (CEBBIS)

Start date: Mar 31, 2010, End date: Sep 29, 2012,

The project CEBBIS is looking for trans-regional branch based, demand-led methods and solutions to improve technology transfer to SMEs. The partbnership joints its forces in order to provides tools, methods and proceedings for professionalising intermediary innovation and technology transfer supporting staff, related to ICT-driven innovation for knowledge-intensive core industries. Offering indust ...
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AsviLoc + grows up of AsviLoc project (ANNP CBC)results and of experience of Regions in the RPIA 2000-06. Acting for innovation systems is a long-term effort supported by successive experimentations. Successful regions commit to long-term policies which put in place the elements which encourage a common vision of innovation as a factor or regional development. RDAs can act as facilitator linking a ...
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POLYINVEST project aims at improving conditions for investment in the rural areas, directly tackling the development gap between the regions of the SEE space. Through the development of an innovative information service about the availability and characteristics of marketable real estates, the project responds to: the needs of those public administrations interested in enhancing and gaining an inc ...
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