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Self-learning resources for informal childminders

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2019,

...children and their families in their settings. PROMEA brings expertise in research methodologies design and implementation, and in innovative learning solutions focused on professional skills. NCRP has extensive knowledge on VET courses for disadvantaged learners and families.ACTIVITIES & METHODOLOGY- Analysis of current and future training needs to develop learning outcomes updated and tailored t ...
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Trusted Apps for open CPS (TAPPS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

Open and smart cyber-physical systems (CPS) are considered to be the next revolution in ICT with enormous economic potential enabling novel business models for integrated services and products. In many areas of CPS devices, there is a strong trend towards open systems, which can be extended during operation instantly adding functionalities on demand. The main goal of the TAPPS (Trusted Apps for op ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

Sport is one of the most important determinants of health and wellbeing in modern society; it can give a major contribution to reducing the prevention of a number of serious diseases; it is a fundamental element to reduce economic costs resulting from physical inactivity.People with disabilities have fewer opportunities to participate in sport programs and physical activity on the EU scene.In or ...
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Youth Megaphone: the decision-makers of the future

Start date: Sep 29, 2015, End date: Apr 28, 2017,

“YouthMegaphone: decision-makersof the future"is a project presentedby the Cultural AssociationBios based in Messinaandinvolvesfiveforeign partnersfrom 5 different countries: Spain, Greece, Turkey, TunisiaandSerbiaand3Italian entities: University ofMessina, the Municipality of Naplesand the Cultural Association “We@Europe”of Naples. The project will start on September 2015 and the end is provided ...
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Jump in Living Library

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

Nowadays, discrimination, exclusion and stigmatization are very frequent and reach many subjects and sectors, with a concerning escalation to violence in many European Countries. To be discriminated or harassed has a terrible and long-lasting impact on health, self-esteem, participation and inclusion in the society. Young people have to face several challenges in a day by day more multicultural Eu ...
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Non-profit organization "Can you" seeks to support and initiate activities related to the education and development of young people, including the disadvantaged, protecting their legal rights and interests. To accomplish this, the organization uses a variety of techniques, methods and practices of non-formal education, in which coaching plays a major role. The team of the Association has carried o ...
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The main aim of this project is to address one of the most pressing concerns of European societies – the problem of youth radicalization. Young people, often affected by unemployment and other negative consequences of the economic crisis, are becoming increasingly susceptible to radicalization (both online and as a result of peer pressure). On the other hand the rise of radical terrorists and reli ...
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"The Europe 2020 strategy sets a headline target of 75% of people in the EU aged 20-64 to be in employment, compared to a current rate of 68.8%. For Roma, the employment rate is significantly lower, with a gap of around 26 percentage points according to World Bank research covering Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Romania, and Serbia." (European Commission: Roma Integration – 2014 Commission Assessment: ...
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Empowering Youth in Interfaith and Multicultural Peace Action

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

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Renkler Arası Diyalog

Start date: May 20, 2015, End date: Aug 19, 2016,

DIALOGUE AMONG COLOURS Our main purpose is to exchange information among European Plastic Arts students and the young who are interested in this field with the help of communication and collaboration. Mutual sharing of the information and experiences in the field of Plastic Arts and bringing Europe’s Contemporary Painting Art and Print Art together with our traditional Tile Art in the same proje ...
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PROJECT DESCRIPTION Record shown that about 75 million people lacked basic ICT, reading and writing skills making it hard to get a job and increasing their risk of poverty and social exclusion according to a European Commission Literacy Report. In recent years, ICT skills and competencies have come to be seen as crucial to the economic performance of industrialized nations as it is no longer defin ...
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Model European Union Strasbourg 2016

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2016,

The two primary objectives of Model European Strasbourg, as previously stated, are to educate and unite. Through role-play and the intensive debate of two relevant topics, participants learn in great depth about the European Union's decision-making process, the role of each EU institution and the influence of state and non-state actors. In addition to this, participants are afforded the opportunit ...
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Don't Exclude! Let's include

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

We wanted to consider the concepts of having less opportunities and involving the young people with fewer opportunities through this project. We wanted to provide more visibility to young people with fewer opportunities, actively in the process. We also considered the challenges of working with the young people with fewer opportunities. We mentioned about these challenges and the ways to include t ...
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Strengthening Employability through the Youth Work

Start date: Jun 3, 2015, End date: Mar 2, 2016,

Activity: Seminar KA1 Project Title: “Strengthening Employability through the Youth Work" Venue: Salerno (SA) - Italy Duration: 21/09/2015 - 25/09/2015 Countries: Serbia, Portugal, Albania, Latvia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Ukraine, Georgia, Hungary, France, Cyprus, Turkey, Greece, Kosovo, Spain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic Applicant: SalernoEuropa (Italia) Number of Parti ...
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RoadMap for Career

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

We are the KARYON student association members, established within Gazi University. KARYON is an organisation for the student career planning. Our target was to help student to prepare for the next stage in their career. To support our target planning we created project to devolop young people's personal career goals. According to on the opportunities we arranged workshops. All the participations ...
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Common Places -Young and Active Citizenship

Start date: Aug 3, 2015, End date: Feb 2, 2016,

The project "Common Places: Young and Active Citizenship" was realized in Corleone, where, in the planning phase, a total had been observed lack of opportunities for young people, a growing feeling of existential fragility and a strong distrust of politics and institutions. With the realization of a path of education to Active Citizenship it has pursued an ambitious goal to contribute to the devel ...
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CONTEXT As pointed out in the EU2020 strategy, youth unemployment is one of the principal social and economic challenges of this decade in Europe and its neighbouring partner countries. New ways must be pursed to develop more oriented projects as well as to enhance professional and managerial competencies needed for community based work. Indeed the achievement of desired outcomes in community proj ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

Over the last 5 years, with support from EU funding programmes, our international leadership courses have become an example of good practice in non-formal education, with a measurable impact on many young people's lives. Leadership=Employability was the latest version of this flagship programme. This leadership training course involved 23 young people, from 10 countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Croat ...
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Su Hayattır ( Water is Life )

Start date: Sep 25, 2015, End date: Dec 24, 2015,

We will do the Youth Mobility Project, our project named is ‘Water is Life’ in city Karaman/Turkey which has historical heritage and cultural value, whose old cultural and historical wealth is pretty much and the capital city of Turkish language.There are 7 diffirent countries(Turkey, Azerbaijan, Poland, Spain, Slovakia, Serbia, Bulgaria) and 43 young people in our Project. We are going to do our ...
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Cidadania ativa após lesão cerebral

Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2015, and are operationalized by a multidisciplinary team as a means to answer to the challenges that occur at different levels: motor, psychological, vocational, educational, professional and social. CRPG - Centro de Reabilitação Profissional de Gaia is the only entity in Portugal with an intensive neuropsychological rehabilitation program. This program has already been identified by EUROFOUND - Eur ...
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Dancing Across New Common Emotions

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

The basis idea of the project was born during the organization of the Erasmus project of cultural exchange (2014), based on the idea of starting from diversity (cultural, social, historical, of the uses and customs, etc.) to bring out the difference as positive value that can unify and enrich. The project promoted the exchange of knowledge between young people from partner countries, focusing on t ...
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Exchanges of professionals about support to Helpers

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015,

The medico-social support service for disabled people (SAMSAH) from Arceau Anjou, Service of disability Unit of Mutualité Francaise Anjou Mayenne aims to meet portuguese partners on the following theme : the support of helpers. Services of Arceau Anjou support about 500 people with disability due to an acquired brain injury (brain injury, stroke or other cerebral disorder) throughout various s ...
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Empowering Youth for Better Future

Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: May 1, 2015,

Trening “Empowered youth for better future” održat će se u Velikom Žitniku, Hrvatska od 3. Studenog do 11. Studenog 2014 i okupit će 24 participanata iz 7 partnerskih organizacije diljem Europe. Glavni cilj treninga je podijeliti s partnerima različite prakse rada s mladima sa smanjenim mogućnostima, mladi bez odgovarajuće roditeljske skrbi (mladi iz domova), istražiti različite načine osnaživanja ...
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Youth Voice: One step closer to sustainability in youth work

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Apr 30, 2015,

Youth Voice: One step closer to sustainability in youth work is a project developed by non-governmental organization Association of Renaissance Institute from Ankara, Turkey. The main aim of the project is to organize an international training course for youth workers from 6 different countries(Turkey, Albania, Serbia, Slovakia, Poland, Moldova) involving 8 youth organizations with 37(representati ...
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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2015,

The project "New challenges - new opportunities" is a contact making activity with the aim to build up partnerships for future youth international mobility projects focusing on entrepreneurship and employability. Will involve 40 participants coming from 17 South, and EastEU and Eastern partnership Countries to reach the following objectives: - To develop youth international mobility projects focu ...
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Formal Education Meets Non Formal Learning – a story of success

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2015,

Formal Education Meets Non Formal Learning- a Story of Success is the result of a rising interest in the importance of non formal learning and the attention that EU is paying to the recognition of skills and knowledge gained through Non Formal Learning activities. The main aim of this seminar is to train youth workers and youth leaders in the methodology, the practices and the tools of Non-forma ...
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Youth education and (un)employment are a driving political issues in Europe. While several European economies are experiencing even higher rates of youth unemployment, the pools of young qualified workforce in other countries are drying up. Underemployed youth leads to shrinking economies, while uneducated youth deprives societies of desperately needed innovation. The European Union has therefor t ...
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Faces of 21st Century: Draw your own future!

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

Youth exchange „Faces of the 21st Century: Draw your own future!“ organized by Mostar Friedensprojekt e.V. was held from 31st October until 9th of November 2014 in Potsdam, Germany. 40 participants from Bosnia and Herzegowina, Germany, Greece, Rumania, Serbia, Spain, Czech Republic und Turkey took part in this youth exchange. The participants were hosted and the activities were held in the semina ...
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Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Dec 16, 2014,

Held from 1 to 9 September 2014, including travel days. Mainly in Rivoli and 1 day at the Col del Lys, a mountain resort, in themetropolitan Area of Turin, about 50 km from Rivoli, at 1.300 meters above sea level.The project had as subtitle: Citizenship and Legality, because of its main theme. In fact, "Eurolys TEACHES" was a project ofcitizenship education through the promotion of participation, ...
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Start date: Feb 28, 2009, End date: Jun 29, 2012,

Das Projekt zielt auf eine Intensivierung der grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit zwischen Wirtschaftsunternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen, die Verstärkung der gegenseitigen Verständigung (u. a. über best practice) und des Technologietransfers sowie die Förderung der wirtschaftlichen Verwendung der Forschungsergebnisse ab. Im Rahmen des Projektes sollen Kooperationen zwischen Unternehmen und F ...
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Ziel des Projekts ist die Prävention der Gefährdung für psychische Probleme bei Jugendlichen und von Entwicklungsstörungen bei Kindern durch eine soziale Betreuung, die von den Projektpartnern gemeinsam entwickelt wird. Auch ist die Förderung der mentalen Gesundheit mit verschiedenen Mit-teln (insbesondere Fachtreffen, Internetseite, Hotline, Beratungseinrichtungen) Gegenstand des Pro-jekts, um di ...
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Im Rahmen dieses Projektes soll das Produktions- und Verwertungspotential von verschiedenen Energiepflanzen in der Großregion bewertet werden, wobei insbesondere geprüft werden soll, welche Pflanzen sich besonders gut zur Energiegewinnung eignen und wie diese nachhaltig angebaut werden können.
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L'élimination des boues d'épuration demeure une problématique majeure amenée à s'intensifier dans les années à venir du fait de l'interdiction programmée de mise en centre d'enfouissement technique des matières organiques. De plus, les conditions sont de plus en plus rigoureuses au niveau de la valorisation agronomique. Ce constat implique la recherche de nouvelles filières d'élimination et/ou de ...
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The final objective of the project is the definition of contents for the creation of a training course, aiming at the adaptation/actualisation of trainers` competences in the field of Human resources, implementing alternative e-learning and classroom phases for the development of related skills. Target groups are consultants, trainers, teachers in secondary education targeting at a specialisation, ...
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The project aims at elaborating and experimenting a common european vocational training model for tutors that follow the labour inclusion process of disadvantaged social groups, since the social enterprises and the local bodies present in the different partner countries express a growing demand for this professional figure with the abilities to follow effectively all the disadvantaged social grou ...
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Many projects in developing innovative training content and tools have failed due to a lack of versatility and user-friendliness and were not endorsed by trainers on a large scale. The V3 project wants to challenge these problems and is aimed at designing, implementing, deploying, evaluating and exploiting a versatile, user-friendly, ICT-based Vocational and Educational Training framework suited f ...
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EQN (European Quality Network) estbalishes a skills card based accreditation service unit and process for job roles in the IT and service sector. The following results will be delivered:1. accreditation online portal system (similar to ECDL) supporting skills assessment and test management as well as administering and viewing accrreditation profiles, 2. an online library of best practice resuts / ...
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Project management : distance training : ITEMA provides companies with tools for access to distance training in project management. The content of these adaptable modules is intended as a specific and effective response to the requirements of professionals in the IT sector. This project started in 2001 and lasted 24 months.
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EQN (European Quality Network) estbalishes a skills card based accreditation service unit and process for job roles in the IT and service sector. The following results will be delivered:1. accreditation online portal system (similar to ECDL) supporting skills assessment and test management as well as administering and viewing accrreditation profiles, 2. an online library of best practice resuts / ...
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The generalized development of sandwich training schemes or on the job training schemes is associated with a strong need in terms of framing and accompaniment of the trainees and students concerned. Tutoring became a topic increasingly present in the teaching, training, work and socio-professional organizations. However the tutoring function does not benefit to date from any European recognition. ...
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