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12 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

iMARECULTURE is focusing in raising European identity awareness using maritime and underwater cultural interaction and exchange in Mediterranean sea. Commercial ship routes joining Europe with other cultures are vivid examples of cultural interaction, while shipwrecks and submerged sites, unreachable to wide public are excellent samples that can benefit from immersive technologies, augmented and v ...
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Nomad's land: How and Why to talk about migration?

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

Concordia was created after the WWII in order to rebuild what was destroyed during the war and to promote peace between people. Later Concordia joined the movement of non-formal education. One of the objectives was to break hierarchical relationships related to knowledge. We are promoting an education for all by all without age, sexual, cultural, religious or economic distinction. But beyond all, ...
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Des outils pour la vie

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The project "The Tools for Life" has existed for over 10 years. Returning with an EVS Tools for Solidarity Ireland, Anthony Crochu, former president of Concordia, decided to create an association in France with the same activity: the restoration of tools that are sent in Southern countries. A social dimension is added by Concordia: young people from socio-educational structures are regularly pres ...
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Network for keeping biotic diversity and cultural landscape (BioDiNet)

Start date: Sep 30, 2011, End date: Sep 29, 2014,

The establishment of programs and policies for the sustainable development of the area in order to preserve the natural and cultural heritage of the area. Expected Results: 11 lasting partnerships symptoms for more than two ye ...
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Building on the outcomes of the 10th Asia-Europe Young Volunteers Exchange (implemented in August-September 2010 in close partnership with the Asia-Europe Foundation), of the "Connecting Civil Societiesof Asia and Europe: Changing Challenges, New Ideas" Conference (an official side-event of the ASEM8Summit in Brussels, Belgium, October 2010 co-organised with the Asia-Europe Foundation and the ASEM ...
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The main aim of this project is to establish, maintain and make sustainable a training programme, that will allow us to create the next generations of experts and youth workers on EU-Asia (and in particular EU-China) intercultural learning. This EU-China project is based on learning-by-doing, but learning in a highly structured and supported environment. The project, in addition to creating well q ...
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This project brings together 15 youth organisations operating in Europe,'tthinaapd'eputhiEast'Asia and is intended to foster cooperation between European and Chinese youth .organisations by erig^gilfrg in-actions aimed at asserting the positive role of volunteering in curbing youth unemplòymentiBy doing-this we plan increase awareness amongst the participants, and major stakeholders at the pqlítio ...
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EM-Idea: Bringing the Erasmus Mundus community together todisseminate, exchange and actDuration: 3 yearsSummary description:With this project, we wish to create conditions such that the Erasmus Mundus (EM) community atlarge can jointly exploit, explain and discuss its involvement in the Erasmus Mundus programme, soas to find ways to strengthen and improve it.The project will target the following c ...
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This thematic network is the result of several pilot projects that experimentedtransnational exchanges of senior European Volunteers. This proved to be a powerfuleducational tool not only for the senior volunteers who take part in projects based in adifferent European country, but also for the organisations of the civil society and thelocal communities hosting them. The network is based on 4 Europ ...
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The project MONA LISA aims to develop and test an e-learning tool with access via Internet that will support the SME in the insurance sector in normalising the social use of minority languages, especially those presenting more difficulties of normalisation, in their own geographical territories. The problems identified by the partnership, 7 partners in 6 countries, are, on one side, related with t ...
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The project aims at developing a system for verifying the quality of lifelong learning provided outside the formal school system by developing, disseminating and strengthening a European Quality Mark for non-formal training providers built on tested quality indicators and commercially sustainable procedure for managing and awarding the mark. Target groups include non-formal lifelong learning provi ...
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Each immigrant is a performer: no matter the reason for the move, relocation forces one to adjust to a new territory and to play a new role. Therefore, the visible map is not the real territory; people are the territory, and they are mobile. They are an intricate territory made of stories and experiences. For this reason, EU is more than a geographical space: it is a space of storytelling transcen ...
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