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Bringing the Erasmus Mundus community together to disseminate, exchange and act
Start date: Sep 1, 2011,

EM-Idea: Bringing the Erasmus Mundus community together todisseminate, exchange and actDuration: 3 yearsSummary description:With this project, we wish to create conditions such that the Erasmus Mundus (EM) community atlarge can jointly exploit, explain and discuss its involvement in the Erasmus Mundus programme, soas to find ways to strengthen and improve it.The project will target the following categories of persons and actors of international cooperation inhigher education. These will benefit from the project directly or indirectly, as mentioned:- EM coordinators: academic and administrative staff from the EU and from third-countries(directly)- Coordinators of international cooperation programmes, from the EU and from third-countries(directly)- HEI representatives, from the EU and from third-countries (directly)- Students and doctoral candidates, from around the world (indirectly)- Policy makers, from the EU and from third-countries (indirectly)The project's main geographical targets outside Europe are:Africa, Northern and Latin America, and Europe's neighbouring countries.The main activities of the project will be:1. perform a needs analysis in order to identify the most useful ways to help coordinators of joint studyprogrammes and/or international partnerships;2. organise at least six (regional) conferences throughout Europe to bring together the EM communityaround structured exchanges;3. arrive at the creation of an independent, non-profit association of academics, with a sufficientnumber of members and a business plan allowing it to pursue the activities initiated with this projectand relying essentially on its own resources;4. survey tools and services available to coordinators of international cooperation programmes, thatmay be fully taken over by the association, such as a full-fledged collaborative website and onlinetools for the management and the quality assessment of joint programmes.The name chosen for the association of coordinators is Erasmus Mundus Concilium.The main outcomes of the project will be:The conclusions of the needs analysis and of the survey of services and tools available to jointprogramme coordinators;the proceedings of the debates held at the regional conferences and the supports of thelectures delivered;a project for the Erasmus Mundus Concilium's policy statement, by-laws, first business planand first programme of activities.The dissemination of the results will be performed at the conferences and through thecommunication channels of the 16 partners of the project and the three supporting partners. Theconferences' programme, the results of the project and the progress towards the creation of theassociation of coordinators will be available at
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  • Education and training\External Programmes and Policies\Erasmus Mundus\Promotion of the European Higher Education
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

15 Partners Participants