This thematic network is the result of several pilot projects that experimentedtransnational exchanges of senior European Volunteers. This proved to be a powerfuleducational tool not only for the senior volunteers who take part in projects based in adifferent European country, but also for the organisations of the civil society and thelocal communities hosting them. The network is based on 4 European projects andseveral bilateral actions between local and regional governments. This network willprovide a platform for all its participating partners to exchange information, expertiseand good practices. It will deal with the practical organisation of senior volunteersexchanges, including measures such as pre-departure trainings based on interculturaland intergenerational learning as well as the development of personal skills, a strategythat will accompany the senior volunteers after the periods abroad to include them insocial work at local level. It also wants to constitute a permanent “place” of debate onthe measures for ageing and active citizenship, that aims at addressing policy-makers atEuropean, National and local level. The direction of our work will be mainstreaminginternational voluntary service with specific reference to the contributions that seniorscan give, into social, cultural and environmental policies.The partnership is largely diversified: it includes regional and local governments,network of associations dealing with active ageing and international voluntary service,Universities, Research Institutes and a great variety of organisations of the civil societydealing with social, environmental and cultural activities. Among the main outputs of theproject we mention a research on the impact, in educational terms, of internationalvoluntary service on the lives of the senior volunteers and on that of the hostingorganisations, a website that will display a database with all the opportunities ofinternational voluntary service for senior volunteers and a forum open to discussion onrelevant topics related to the theme, such as mainstreaming actions and actualexchange of information, expertise and good practices. 4 open International meetingswill give the chance to all the partners but also to the greater public and the media tolearn and contribute to the network and its activities.
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