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10 European Projects Found

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DIME: "Development of a skills reference framework and of training modules to promote the Inclusion of Migrants to Europe" The project DIME is submitted by 6 partners from 4 Mediterranean countries (Spain, France, Greece and Italy) with different approaches and experiences of migration, all engaged in the training and inclusion a target group of non-EU migrants, mainly coming from North African co ...
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CONTEXT IeFP+ integrates in the internationalisation strategy of the IeFP regional system, aiming at the reaching of the 6% benchmark of students participating to mobility, foreseen by ET2020. Aeca and its regional network of partners, including Regione Emilia Romagna, have already started the process through previous LLP Leonardo Mobility, Network and ESF for students' mobility and the developme ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

The project, referred to the sectors / areas: Aesthetic, Tourism, Graphic, Administration, Mechanics, window dressing and retail has had as its main objective the implementation of a process designed to facilitate young people's knowledge of himself, of his performances on the employment context, social, cultural, organizational, economic and management of the areas / sectors considered, the rela ...
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Citoyenneté et Solidarité avec UNIS CITE

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Aug 30, 2015,

The project "solidarité et Citoyenneté avec Unis Cité" is a hosting coordinating project allowing 7 young european poeple to come in our region, to build their future life, social and professionnal life, through this voluntary experience. This project coordinate 2 local activity project: 4 volunteers hosted in Saint-Etienne and 3 in Lyon. each volunteer ll be able to have a 10 months voluntary ac ...
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The economic and technological changes force today's job applicants and employees to learn to adapt quickly to the trends in the labour markets by making the right training choices. Thus, lifelong vocational guidance became an essential element of lifelong learning. This project proposes the creation of a complete assistance service to on-line guidance, based on the principles and methods of the C ...
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The aim of the project is to establish a good quality career advisory service and put in place a true career guidance system which meets the requirements in this area: career guidance has, in fact, become an essential element of professional development. This system will involve, among other things, setting up a career advisory service. To achieve this, it will be necessary to clarify and define w ...
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Our project wanted to transfer to Italian Vet Institutes and Vet Providers- the results of the LdV project “Peer Review in initial Vet” (AT/04/C/F/TH-82000), referred to the Quality Areas 2 (Learning and Teaching); 3 (Assessment); 4 (Learning outcomes and Results)- the results of the research/ action on the “Relationship between Learning and Teaching ” directed by General Directorate of the Re ...
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The technolgical tool that this project aims to adapt and transfer is based on specific criteria to define careers that allows people to create a "matching" between the characteristics of different jobs and the preferences expressed by the users. This model, currently used in the many countries, provides a database of profiles, all built according to the same system and linked to several possible ...
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The project aims to:- train teachers and trainers, concerned in integrated paths for education and vocational training of young people the use of the Interactive Multimedia Board and its integration with on-line learning objects as well as with virtual collaborative learning environments;- test the use of the Interactive Multimedia Board in learning environments as an innovative didactic tool;- cr ...
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Sauvegarder et transmettre les « savoir faire » liés à la restauration de larchitecture traditionnelle, promouvoir les connaissances traditionnelles sous légide des professionnels, créer une offre de formation correspondante, mobiliser les territoires autour dun patrimoine porteur dune identité culturelle forte, développer le tourisme culturel, renforcer loffre de main doeuvre. ...
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