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The technolgical tool that this project aims to adapt and transfer is based on specific criteria to define careers that allows people to create a "matching" between the characteristics of different jobs and the preferences expressed by the users. This model, currently used in the many countries, provides a database of profiles, all built according to the same system and linked to several possible types of guidance, information and training provision for individuals and groups. The model has already been partially developed and tested by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region. This significant and successful experience will be enhanced and extended in a different sector (Employment Offices), involving a specific target of beneficiaries (young people at risk of school drop-out) and at national level.The project aims to improve the quality of vocational and educational guidance services provided by the Employment Offices in different geographical contexts (Toscana, Marche, Piemonte, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Puglia), through the transfer of the model provided by Cascaid - Loughborough University (UK), which will be refined through a process of analysis, translation and testing, with the help and supervision of qualified partners in Europe and organizations that have already successfully used the model. The project is promoted by the Province of Grosseto, with the technical support of qualified Italian organizations. The main results are the translation and adaptation of at least 60 new careers' profiles, 500 copies of the printed version of the manual for guidance and counselling, testing of the model in 20 Employment Offices divided into at least 5 regions of Italy, the creation of an online platform for the collection of good practices and the construction and maintenance of careers' profiles.The expected impact: improving the quality of guidance services for young people at risk; enrichment of the guidance processes, to support individual choices of training and careers; enlargement of information concerning careers and related training system; improving of integration dynamics between systems; promoting awareness on the European dimension of guidance.
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10 Partners Participants