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15 European Projects Found

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MAVEN - "An expert, especially as regards knowledge through networked information"The MAVEN project brings together a range of partners with a common background in direct support for minorities and migrants. All of us have developed a strong skills base, through provision of training, intercultural work, welfare and/or family support, at the local and the transnational level. Thanks to this experi ...
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Forum Friends

Start date: May 14, 2012,

Проектът „Форум приятели” предвижда обучение на доброволци за обучители по форум театър от 9 организации от България, Унгария, Италия, Австрия, Германия, Хърватска, Франция и Турция, проведено в България.Целта на проекта е в рамките на 8 дни 30 доброволци да придобият нови знания по форум театър, да подобрят социалните, артистичните и креативните си способности трансферирайки добри практики, опит ...
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123 days!

Start date: Dec 15, 2011,

Vă rugăm să oferiţi o scurtă descriere a proiectului dumneavoastră (aproximativ 10-15 rânduri). Vă rugăm să reţineţi că in cazul în care proiectul dumneavoastră este aprobat, acest paragraf poate fi făcut public. Astfel, precizaţi locul desfăşurării, tipul proiectului, tema şi obiectivele, durata stagiului (în luni), ţările implicate, numărul de voluntari, activităţile desfăşurate şi metodele ut ...
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Able like you II

Start date: Apr 1, 2014,

...ntries: Hungary, France, Austria & Spain. As the first project edition, Able like you II focuses on disability theme & will involve the volunteers in different local projects with disable people that CESIE carries with its local staff. The presence of volunteers will bring an added value to the activities organized thanks to the fact that: the target groups benefit from the presence of internation ...
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Youth Exchange “ECO-TOlerance in youth LIFEstyle - ECO TO LIFE” will be hosted by the All-Ukrainian Association for Youth Co-operation Alternative-V in Kharkiv, Ukraine within Youth in Action program on July 13-24, 2014. The project will last 12 days, including travel days. This project will involve groups of young people from Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Malta, Italy and France (6 groups consistin ...
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...iving local communities; on the other hand, they will be given the chance to contribute to the changes they want to bring about by being involved in writing&realising European projects supported by CESIE. The methods applied will be non-formal and active learning, as well as active participation. While CESIE builds upon its extensive experience of both types of activities involving European volunt ...
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Youth for Outdoor Inclusion

Start date: Aug 1, 2013,

The main aim of this youth exchange is to foster social inclusion and stimulate personal development of young people through sports and outdoor activities. The main idea is to promote inclusion of young people with disability and youth at risk by organizing sport and outdoor activities. It will take place in Kumanovo, Macedonia, by gathering 60 participants from Macedonia as a hosting countries an ...
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...ain will participate in community development projects in Senegal and Cameroon for 6 months and in Nepal for 5/7 months at a time and a volunteer from Senegal, Nepal, and Cameroon will be hosted by CESIE in Italy for 10 months. The sense of a group EVS will be emphasised by the volunteers in the different activities sharing training and evaluation moments. The project is based on the experience of ...
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Volunteers. Ideals. Perspectives

Start date: Mar 1, 2013,

Project is planned to take place in several communities of Kyiv city and will gather 6 volunteers from Poland, Italy and Spain. Voluntary service activities are planned for 12 months, starting from 1st of May, 2013 and will take place mainly in deprived urban areas of Kyiv. The project aims both towards volunteers’ social and personal development, providing them with opportunities for intercultura ...
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"You SEE" is a Training Course (8 working days) that responding to todays' crisis aims to enable the development of entrepreneurial skills of youth leaders and workers, volunteers and peer educators to undertake initiatives and support other young people in their searching for job opportunities.The project will take place in Palermo, Italy and will involve 40 participants coming from different Eur ...
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The aim of this project is to promote and further develop education about sustainable development with young people. Sustainable development, as a key idea around which environment and development are structured, is increasingly becoming an indistinguishable from the development of society. Through a mixture of formal and non-formal methodology, as well as focus on case studies – examples of good ...
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Youth and Community Creative Development (III) is a group EVS project developed in Palermo, Sicily wteh CE.S.I.E asthe hosting organisation. The volunteers will coinè from four countries - France, Spain, UK, Ukraine - thus ensuringcultural diversityThe project will be developed in two phases (4 volunteers for "each phase for 9 months each: total 8 volunteers ) andthere will be an overlapping momen ...
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The project for a training course aims at training 30 youth multiplers, who work with young people from minorities. The aim of the training is to link youth work on minority youth trafficking prevention with youth work on poverty reduction and social inciision, this way - addressing in a long-term perspective the root causes of trafficking. Course objectives are: to promote youth work for minority ...
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General aim of the project is to support trainers and teachers from VET sector in implementation of dynamic, open and innovative methods by adapting and transferring validated e-learning course for vocational schools and training sector. The course is available as open resource in 9 languages together with the facilitator’s handbook. It enables teachers and institutions to integrate them with new ...
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Young people gain huge benefit from successful role models in their family or within their close social circle. This can facilitate career planning, support, and professional development. However, young people who have migrant backgrounds or who are from ethnic minorities are not always fortunate to have such role models due to migration or barriers faced within their community.Mentors are meant t ...
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