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19 European Projects Found

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Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

GrowSmarter aims to:• Improve the quality of life for European citizens by better mobility, housing and the quality of urban infrastructure while improving the citizens economy by lower energy costs and creating as much as 1500 new jobs (on the demonstration level).• Reduce the environmental impact by lower energy needs by 60 % and increased use of renewable energy thus reducing GHG emissions eve ...
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International Assisted Communication for Education

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

...of 7 full partners and 6 associated partners includes 5 higher education institutions, the European Association of Career Guidance and the “Provedoria Municipal do Cidadão com Deficiência” from Câmara Municipal do Porto, 2 schools, one Education School, an Association of Sign Language Interpreters and 2 Deaf Associations.Every partner institutions expect to actively participate in the process of s ...
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Science in everyday life (SCILIFE)

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

SCILIFE – Science in Everyday Life – is a European Researchers’ Night (ERN) proposal. It builds on previous experience of successful editions to bring ERN’s aims to a different level in the Portuguese context. Using the theme of Science in Everyday Life as a point of departure, SCILIFE will address ‘traditional’ science and society issues – e.g. citizens’ engagement with sustainable and inclusive ...
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At the moment European countries are not obliged to have a (virtual) registry of infrastructures, however public administrations, private or public enterprises and citizens feel the need of knowing how the various infrastructures are placed and managed and which are the relative responsabilities and properties as the lack of a single and common registry generates conflicts of competence between op ...
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OBJETIVOS: Transferencia de herramientas para la implantación de la Directiva Marco del Agua en aguas de transición y costeras del NO de la Península Ibérica, con objeto de armonizar los planes hidrológicos de España y Portugal para las aguas internacionales del río Miño. ACCIONES: Clasificación del estado ecológico en los estuarios del Miño, Oitavén y Lima; intercalibración y validación de las co ...
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OBJETIVOS: Consolidar una estrategia transfronteriza común para el desarrollo coordinado de la formación e investigación del sector del turismo termal y del agua en la Euro-Región Galicia-Norte de Portugal, como polo de referencia de la oferta termal de alta calidad de Europa. ACCIONES: Crear el Centro de Formación Turístico Termal y de Investigación del Agua para el desarrollo de la formación de ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Sep 29, 2012,

It is undeniable that the relentless growth of cities has had an effect on the environment, often exceeding the environmental carrying capacity, as inadequate consideration has been given to the impact of urban expansion on the conservation of the natural and recreational spaces available to inhabitants. To make our cities more environmentally friendly it is necessary to transform urban centres th ...
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The City of Alessandria is a 100,000 inhabitants city, in North West of Italy. AL Piano building program has already the basic financing for building construction and infrastructure innovation (social and economical actions included) and it can be regarded as an urban pilot project at the neighbourhood level. In the same district the City of Alessandria has already developed the Photovoltaic Villa ...
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Water and territories (WAT)

Start date: Apr 14, 2009, End date: Oct 14, 2011,

Este proyecto pretende crear nuevas perspectivas de gobernanza relativas a los recursos hídricos favoreciendo las sinergias entre los actores competentes en la materia. Todo esto permitirá llegar a un proceso de toma de decisiones compartido entre la ordenación del territorio y la gestión de los recursos hídricos apoyándose en un análisis pluridisciplinario (técnico, económico y normativo). Concre ...
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Recogida, integración, seguimiento, sistematización y análisis multidisciplinar del patrimonio natural de la cuenca hidrográfica del Miño-Minho. Divulgación del conocimiento obtenido y valorización y gestión conjunta de sus recursos Expected ...
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-Administration Framework fo Small Local Authorities (E-ASLA)

Start date: Jan 31, 2005, End date: Jun 29, 2007,

O projecto e-ASLA pretende dar soluções viáveis e realistas á necessidade do processamento administrativo em povoações pequenas. Para isso, propõe-se como solução a definição de uma Framework e-ASLA de suporte aos processos administrativos e as tecnologias que o sustentam.
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Improving Atlantic cities that belong to UNECO world heritage (ATLANTE)

Start date: Mar 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2005,

...t fire prevention plan and implementation of security measures in the historic centre in Guimarães (PT) (1,000 copies) ✔ Publication of the results of implementing the 1984 study conducted by Câmara Municipal de Guimarães ✔ Creation of a detailed study of the six cities, with several additions to improve the development of the historic Centres of the cities ✔ A study of the positive and negative i ...
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O projecto IDEA STCC tem por objectivo final estimular a utilização dos transportes públicos em detrimento do veículo privado , através de Sistemas de Transporte Colectivo Combinado (STCC). Com efeito, o aumento da população assim como da actividade nas cidades originam um aumento de tráfico de veículos nas áreas urbanas. As diferentes administrações, no exercício das suas competências, são chamad ...
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FORMAT aims at the qualification of the human resources, in the intervention fields of the partners, in the three regions, having in consideration the emergency and the valuation of new activities in sectors as the tourism, património, the environment and the new necessities of the Municipalities
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This project is inserted in the context of the development of the sector of the sustainable and integrated tourism, aiming at that the tourism is the main economic activity, through the improvement, of the innovation and the organization of the existing tourist activities, as well as the development of the tourist potential still for exploring. On the other hand, it is intended to proceed to its j ...
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Las regiones ultraperiféricas deberán definir una política turística, poniendo de relieve la articulación con las políticas de cultura, ambiente y otras formas de utilización de los recursos y espacios naturales.Se justifica la necesidad de una actuación interinstitucional concertada en cuanto a cuestiones relacionadas con accesibilidades y otras infraestructuras, cultura, ambiente y turismo, pudi ...
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El proyecto PERMUTAS, pretende fundamentalmente encontrar formas de valorización y comercialización de los productos agrícolas, artesanales, ganaderos y gastronómicos, contribuyendo al desarrollo económico y a la mejora de las condiciones de la calidad de vida y a la mejora de las actividades turísticas de las autarquías. La valorarización tendrá que ser realizada a nivel de las estructuras de pro ...
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Prevention and Alert System to Natural Risks is a cooperation project between the ultra-peripheral regions and the UE, namely the Autonomous Regions of Madeira, Canaries and Azores. The main objective of PRISNAT is to promote a natural risk management continuously and systematically, permitting an attempted intervention, through the development of an Alert System of Natural Disasters. This project ...
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El proyecto abarca tanto las pymes como las micropymes de todos los sectores de actividad localizadas en el ámbito de actuación de los socios participantes del presente proyecto.El objetivo general del proyecto es informar, fomentar y difundir entre las pymes de las islas, las oportunidades que ofrecen las nuevas tecnologías de información y comunicaciones como medio para mejorar sus procesos de v ...
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