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6 European Projects Found

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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The nature of this project stems from the educational deficits observed in our societies, which in turn have been pointed out by different governing bodies across Europe. European contemporary societies have for the past years been challenged by an economic crisis that has contributed to austerity measures being put into place to counterbalance financial deficits. The fields of education are by no ...
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ARACNE: Training, empowerment and entrepreneurship

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

Context / background The consequences of the economic crisis and unemployment are causing large segments of Europe’s population, especially in the South, to experience extreme situations and social marginalization which traditional policies in the area of occupational learning and job placement fail to address. Traditional problems such as the absence and inadequacy of professional qualifications ...
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The project RES deals with resilience, the ability to bounce back adversities in life. Resilience can be trained and resilient people are more successful in education & jobs and are less prone to depression.The project's main products:An easy to use online database-toolbox containing methods and exercises based on resilience studies for trainers and multipliers working in the field of qualificatio ...
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Empirical happiness research has gained wide acknowledgement recently and offers a promising new access to central questions to both ethics and economics. In our project, we will investigate what this perspective can contribute to aspects in adult education, and for the skills requirements that the European workforce needs to become more flexible in order to meet the demands of economic developmen ...
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SaVED addresses one of the most actual problem: education and training drop out that has increased in recent years due to the economic crises. In 2011, at EU 27 level, 13.5% of all 18 to 24 year old left education and training having only lower secondary education or less. In Romania, the school dropout rate of learners bellow ISCED4 increased by one third over the last 9 years. The statistics are ...
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Europa 2020 agenda ambitions focus that policies shall contribute to reduce early leavers from education and training up to 10% in order to assure the conditions for the desirable economic development (economic growth in Europe and higher levels of competitiveness’ of European companies). The actual average rate stills at 13,5% and there is an urgent need of promoting effective strategies enabling ...
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