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Resilience - a key skill for education and job
Start date: Dec 1, 2012,

The project RES deals with resilience, the ability to bounce back adversities in life. Resilience can be trained and resilient people are more successful in education & jobs and are less prone to depression.The project's main products:An easy to use online database-toolbox containing methods and exercises based on resilience studies for trainers and multipliers working in the field of qualification and education. Due to that approach the exercises and tools can be used in various kinds of education in order to make them available for widespread target groups and end-users.Guidelines showing ways how to introduce aspects of resilience into qualification and education. These guidelines will enable trainers and multipliers with diverse backgrounds to work with the tools presented in the toolbox. Special eye marks will be given to the framework of existing teaching schemes, with relation to the specific demand and need of individual users, to specific learning cultures and to the requirements of vocational training.An interview scheme dealing with resilience for trainers to work with their target groups making sure that the needs of the target groups will be really addressed.These main products will finally be available not only in paper version, but also as web-based tools that will guarantee unlimited access for any interested body.In addition, the project will follow a clear exploitation and sustainability strategy in order to guarantee the transfer of the core project results into the mainstream such as by establishing regional round-table groups with relevant stakeholders or by linking the project to other relevant networks. The project consortium is composed of 8 partners from 6 different European countries, some of them being leading expert organisations in the field of resilience, and the other ones being representatives of training institutions that contribute with integrating the resilience approach in daily qualification and education systems.
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7 Partners Participants