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13 European Projects Found

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European Medialab Praxis

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Strategic partnership : European Medialab Praxis (EMP)Applicant organization : Urban ProdProject total duration : 24 monthCalendar : from January 2016 to december 2017Total beneficiaries : 9 000 peopleUrban Prod has been developping digital mediation for ten years. The aim is to promote civil participation of young people. The association would like to start a new step of capitalization and formal ...
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...king life. The partnership of this two-year project consists of training providers from Finland (Axxell, the coordinator, and Omnia), Denmark (Vestegnens Sprog-og Kompetencecenter), Germany (Bildungsmarkt e.v.), Iceland (Mimir-simenntun) and Turkey (Trabzon teknik ve endustri meslek lisesi denizcilik anadolu meslek lisesi).
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The Di&Di project was designed in 2013 by six partners, in five European countries (France, Italy, Switzerland, Bulgaria and Germany) to develop a strategy, combining the fight against discrimination and the valuation of diversity, to support the inclusion of migrant jobseekers in the labour market, an ongoing issue in Europe. The programmes implemented during the project were focused on low-quali ...
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Moving Generation 6

Start date: Dec 1, 2009,

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Targeting young apprentices and trainees aged 15-20 years, the SABIEN project aims to enhance the skills and motivation of this group by offering appropriate motivational training tools to stimulate creativity and self-organisation. Project partners will conduct a training needs analysis of current VET, as offered to the target group, across the partner countries. Using the results of the analysis ...
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As there is an increasing need for qualified workers more people will be under pressure to migrate and seek better job and living opportunities, multicultural aspects will become more and more important. This is a challenge for vocational training programmes. Also technical teachers and trainers should develop the skills, attitudes and knowledge to recognise and understand the needs of immigrant s ...
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A wide range of innovative approaches have been implemented in the EU member states in the last years to make vocational skills and employment accessible to the all young people. In all European states, the guidance systems evolve, competence profiles for guidance workers are being developed along with quality standards for their qualification. Within this process the traditional roles of all voc ...
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A wide range of innovative approaches have been implemented in the EU member states in the last years to make vocational skills and employment accessible to the all young people. In all European states, the guidance systems evolve, competence profiles for guidance workers are being developed along with quality standards for their qualification. Within this process the traditional roles of all voc ...
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The evaluation study about the utilisation of the europass mobility has shown that the spaces in the document where the acquired skills and competences can be described were rarely used.It is necessary for the implementation of ECVET in Europe to report the experiences made with mobility actions in a bottom-up process to the EU-level in order to enhance the practicability.The modified europass mob ...
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Innovative entrepreneurship is vital to both enterprises and countries that need to transform new ideas rapidly into commercial success in order to maintain growth, competiteveness and jobs. VET institutions working with enterprises need to pursue this role with smaller and micro-enterprises.
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I-VET Summer School project aims at supporting initial and continuous training of VET teachers, trainers and tutors (priority: LEOTraInno-8), enhancing their competences in managing intercultural dynamics and communication. Further on tensions and conflicts determined by complexity of intercultural encounters engendered by multicultural features of social and professional environments, ask teacher ...
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Demographic changes and lower birth rates posed challenges for labour market requirements in Europe. The need for qualified workers increased, and more companies required qualified immigrant workers. Multicultural societies were a constant feature.Specific challenges arised for vocational training programmes. Key issues therefore were the skills, attitudes and knowledge of trainers a ...
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The main objective of the IN-WORKER project is to create an innovative training tool that will focus on two main aspects: - Adaptation of the methodology for the detection and prevention of training needs developed in the framework of the previous FORMET project. The adaptation will include upgrade to an e-learning environment and to intercultural working environments.- Improvement of the contents ...
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