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18 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Major efforts have been made by the European Union to increase the fundamental interaction between research, education and innovation, as key driver of a knowledge-based society. Furthermore, the Union recognised that the relationship between the business community and the university, considering its double role as education and research institution, is of strategic importance for a modern vision ...
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The EC has recently published the Proposal for a Regulation on Union guidelines for the development of the trans - European transport network -COM (2011) 650/2, that defines the long term strategy for the Ten-T policy up to 2030/2050 and proposes Corridors relevant for the SEE area. By creating a multilevel formed by Transport Ministries, Regions, Universities, Chambers of Commerce, transport stak ...
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Venture Initiative in the Balkan Europe  (VIBE)

Start date: Dec 31, 2012, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

The VIBE project addresses the challenge of developing the innovation and entrepreneurship system across the SEE by enabling private investment into innovative entrepreneurial companies in partnership with smart public initiatives and investment. VIBE offers a transnational integrated approach by avoiding unnecessary duplication, mobilizing a critical mass of the regional investment, innovation ag ...
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Innovation is a key driver of Europe's competitiveness and growth. However, young and innovative SMEs face bottlenecks when trying to grow. They are disadvantaged when it comes to attracting external financing if they cannot find equity since they do not usually have the track-record or collateral often required by financial intermediaries and banks. In today?s competitive markets, the use and pro ...
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For the South-East European industrial clusters to survive in the global market, it is crucial the creation of a critical mass where to address suitable interventions, to streamline necessary innovation capacity and to enhance competitiveness. In a way to define joint, optimised and harmonised policies and to implement concrete instruments enabling cluster-based economies to compete at the global ...
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Adriatic - Danube - Black Sea multimodal platform (ADB multiplatform)

Start date: Mar 31, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2014,

The idea of the project is to develop and promote environmentally friendly, multimodal transport solutions from the ports in the SEE programme area (Black Sea, Aegean, Adriatic) to inland countries and regions along a selected pilot transnational network. This will be done by developing and establishing a "multimodal transport development platform", which integrates different regions and stakehold ...
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...rea: Peloponnese, Attica and Central Macedonia (GR), Yugopazaden-Yuzhen Tsentralen (BG), Veneto and Basilicata (IT), West Slovenia (SI), Kozep-Mayarorszagi (HU), Bucharest-Ilfov (RO), Zadar (CRO) and Belgrade (SRB). GuardEn?s Target Groups and potential Stakeholders/Beneficiaries/Users cover a wide spectrum of Actors and individuals of all categories and levels related to its fields of interest. I ...
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Project aims at building the capacity of institutions supporting innovation in the food sector and promoting public awareness on benefits of innovation, making the sectoral innovation easier through transnational cooperation of the national food technology platforms and related institutions. Although food industry has specific importance in SEE economies, the level of innovation in the region is n ...
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Adriatic Economic Cluster Club (Cluster Club)

Start date: Feb 28, 2011, End date: Aug 30, 2013,

The Cluster Club project aims to improve the innovation’s possibility of territorial and productive system through cooperation, business opportunities and market research. It aims also to accelerate the creation and reinforcing of cluster’s system, in particular the creation of SMEs network, Public Administration, public and private institutes of research, consumers and potential products and serv ...
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States belonging to the Adriatic Region have been experimenting for about one decade intense streams of labour force. If the mobility of such labour force develops an important cultural "exchange" and economic relationships within the "geographical region", it doesn't seem to be supported by wider strategies at institutional levels, by concerted and agreed policies for education and professional t ...
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TECH.FOOD, tackles the topic of innovation of the agro-food sector, one of the major components of the SEE economies in terms of turnover, number of SMEs and persons employed. The project arises from the necessity of common strategies, tools, and opportunities to promote R&TD and innovation in the agro-food sector, facing the fast decreasing competitiveness of SEE agro-food enterprises. Project wi ...
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The main objective of this Project is to enhance the competitiveness of the economy in the region trough improving the education in the field of industrial product development. The wider goal of the project will be achieved through completion of set of specific objectives:• Establishment of new curriculums in the field of Management in Product Development and Innovation Management, Development of ...
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The wider objective of this project is the development of partnership between universities and enterprises in order to improve practical aspect of Bologna process implementation in Serbian Universities. Also, the goal is to help enterprises to become more competent in order to prepare themselves for real, free market. The specific objectives are: capacity building for cooperation between universit ...
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... Objectives are:1. To significantly improve, harmonize the current Bologna-tailored modern language study programs in all Serbian universities with foreign language curricula, namely, Universities of Belgrade, Novi Sad, Nis, Kragujevac and Novi Pazar, in terms of structure (including the degree structure), content, teaching and assessment methods and materials at bachelor and master levels. 2. To ...
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In this project, Serbian universities and agencies seek to add additional labour market-oriented skills to the professional skills already learned by graduates, by offering additional integrated skills in the fields of engineering, agriculture, business and economy. In this way they hope to improve the mobility and employability of RS graduates at local, regional and European levels. This will be ...
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The wider objective of this project is to strengthen international orientation of HE in Serbia, increase employability and students' and teachers' mobility.Specific objectives, within the aforementioned wider one, include:• to initiate capacity building for interdisciplinary studies in computing offered both in English and in Serbian, at all three levels of study (BSc, MSc, PhD) and in at least on ...
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The proposal addresses one of the most acute problems in Serbian HE: harmonization of doctoral studies with the needs of academia, industry and society at large, as well as with the current EU practice. The wider objective of this project as a structural measure is to restructure doctoral studies in Serbia in line with the Bologna Process and Salzburg Principles, emphasizing quality of research a ...
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Sport is a powerful tool for socioeconomic development and personal & collective wellbeing. In research & higher education this involves the expansion of Physical Education (PE) into Sport Science (SpS), accounting for much wider scope & new science, implications & job market needs: in teaching, training, management, health, social work, etc. Many West Balkan (WB) countries, with their growing ec ...
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