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9 European Projects Found

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The project's wider objective is to increase specialized Universities’ capacity in meeting the evolving market needs and governmental strategies of development, as well as in coping with new challenges of education, by modernizing their language teaching capacity; to help graduates of specialized Universities to increase their employability through obtaining viable language skills. The specific ob ...
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INFINITY project intends to become an INternational Fellowship IN transdisciplinarITY; its main theme is “Urban Agriculture”. INFINITY is about sustainability, and aims to strengthen a viable partnership of EU and all of lot 5 countries - aligning the Lisbon Strategy with the EM programme’s objectives. INFINITY is set in a transdisciplinary framework in the following thematic fields:01 Agriculture ...
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The project Erasmus Mundus Broadening Educational ExpeRiences (EMBER) is an Erasmus Mundus Action 2 (EMA2) consortium comprised of twenty partner higher education institutions and four associated partners from Western/Central/Eastern Europe all the way to the South Caucasus. The consortium includes institutions from all five of the Lot 5 countries targeted by the Eastern Neighbourhood and Partners ...
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The project aims to establish in target HEIs from GE/KZ/KG/AZ/IL advanced and up-dated services to students and alumni according to the best European practices, able to meet the challenges of a globalised world. This objective will be achieved by enhancing human resource capacity and infrastructure. After an analysis of the needs and constraints, 30 staff members of PC universities will travel ...
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This multi-country project is designed to modernise curricula in sustainable tourism management (STM) in selected HEI in Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia. Tourism is a regional priority for the Caucasus. The project focuses on the development of new study modules and teacher trainings in STM, a hitherto underdeveloped field in all three countries. The new modules cover innovative topics, such as th ...
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...g and engineering trades (BY, AZ, XK).The project involves higher education institutions from Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Belgium as well as from such partner countries: Belarus, Kosovo, and Azerbaijan. Development of the curricular reform in Engineering and engineering trades is highlighted as a priority in all partner countries.The wider objective is to enhance networking among higher ...
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...ling the CTI for supporting reality-related introduction of research results into the educational processes and industrial application, creation of an effective common model of CTI for Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan transfer of cooperation experience of university and enterprises into High education system of Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and to enterprises, cooperation between representatives of enterprises, ...
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L06 - Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan

Start date: Jul 15, 2009,

The present proposal targets all groups (1, 2 and 3) and it provides opportunities of mobility to students (undergraduate and master’s), researchers (doctorate and post-doctorate) and academic staff. Priority is given on an impartial distribution of available positions to students from vulnerable groups (disabled students, with socio-economical problems, refugees and IDPs) through a transparent se ...
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