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Enhancement of role of universities in transfer of innovations into enterprise
Start date: Oct 15, 2010,

The overall objective of the project is the introduction of research and application centers in universities, enabling teachers to apply their research results, improvement of organization of scientific-research activities and transfer of innovation projects and new technologies into enterprises via creation of accessible information database of innovations at universities of PC countries, delivering a base for the improvement of the educational processes. Specific Project Objectives are establishment of the Centers for Transfer of Innovations (CTI), enabling the CTI for supporting reality-related introduction of research results into the educational processes and industrial application, creation of an effective common model of CTI for Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan transfer of cooperation experience of university and enterprises into High education system of Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and to enterprises, cooperation between representatives of enterprises, researchers and students, development of economic thinking and interest to use of innovation of entrepreneurs and businessmen. As the result of the activity of UnIvEnt the following outcomes and outputs will be achieved: CTIs in PCs equiped, data base of innovations generated, web-site created, consultations with co-beneficiaries realized, training of trainers and acquaintance with EU CTIs been carried out, training modules developed and courses carried out, trainings of entrepreneurs in PCs conducted, consulting of entrepreneurs in PCs on innovations implemented, seminars and conferences organized and new common model of CTI developed.

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