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25 European Projects Found

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In order to unlock the full potential of Europe’s offshore resources, network infrastructure is urgently required, linking off-shore wind parks and on-shore grids in different countries. HVDC technology is envisaged but the deployment of meshed HVDC offshore grids is currently hindered by the high cost of converter technology, lack of experience with protection systems and fault clearance componen ...
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X2Rail-1 addresses the S2R-CFM-IP2-01-2015 “Start-up activities for Advanced Signalling and Automation System” call issued by the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking as part of the Innovation Programme 2 “Advanced Traffic Management & Control Systems”.The X2Rail-1 project aims to research and develop six selected key technologies to foster innovations in the field of railway signalling and automation sys ...
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Embedded systems have significantly increased in technical complexity towards open, interconnected systems. This has exacerbated the problem of ensuring dependability in the presence of human, environmental and technological risks. The rise of complex Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) has led to many initiatives to promote reuse and automation of labor-intensive activities. Two large-scale projects are ...
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"A group of eight Transmission System Operators with a generator company, manufacturers and research organisations, propose 5 demonstration projects to remove, in 4 years, several barriers which prevent large-scale penetration of renewable electricity production in the European transmission network. The full scale demonstrations led by industry aim at proving the benefits of novel technologies cou ...
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Innovative Intelligent Rail (IN2RAIL)

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

IN2RAIL is to set the foundations for a resilient, consistent, cost-efficient, high capacity European network by delivering important building blocks that unlock the innovation potential that exists in SHIFT2RAIL: innovative technologies will be explored and resulting concepts embedded in a systems framework where infrastructure, information management, maintenance techniques, energy, and engineer ...
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The ROLL2RAIL project aims to develop key technologies and to remove already identified blocking points for radical innovation in the field of railway vehicles, as part of a longer term strategy to revolutionise the rolling stock for the future.The high level objectives of the work are to pave the way to:• Increase the capacity of the railway system and bring flexibility to adapt capacity to deman ...
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Background Rail transport is often an environmentally friendly option: it is, for example, between three and five times more energy efficient than most road transport. However, there is still room for improvement and rail transport must contribute further to the EU’s effort to reduce CO2 emissions. Thus, one of the principal objectives of European railw ...
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Critical System Engineering Acceleration (CRYSTAL)

Start date: May 1, 2013, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

CRYSTAL aims at fostering Europe’s leading edge position in embedded systems engineering in particular regarding quality and cost effectiveness of safety-critical embedded systems and architecture platforms.Its overall goal is to enable sustainable paths to speed up the maturation, integration, and cross-sectoral reusability of technological and methodological bricks of the factories for safety-cr ...
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Future Of Surface Transport Research Rail (FOSTER RAIL)

Start date: May 1, 2013, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

FOSTER RAIL addresses the broad support challenges of SST.2013.6-1. Strengthening the research and innovation strategies of the transport industries in Europe. This Research action is a Level 1 Coordination and Support Action aiming at supporting the land transport European Technology Platforms activities.This action will assist ERRAC and the other transport-related European technology platforms ( ...
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MERLIN’s main aim and purpose is to investigate and demonstrate the viability of an integrated management system to achieve a more sustainable and optimised energy usage in European electric mainline railway systems.MERLIN will provide an integrated optimisation approach that includes multiple elements, dynamic forecasting supply-demand scenarios and cost considerations to support operational deci ...
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SECurity of Railways against Electromagnetic aTtacks (SECRET)

Start date: Aug 1, 2012, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

SECRET addresses the protection of railway infrastructure against EM attacks. Railway infrastructure is an attractive target for EM attacks, because of its familiarity and ease of access, with extended economic and security consequences.Today, the European rail network is evolving to harmonize the management system. This is reflected by new integrated technologies, adequate procedures and centrali ...
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"The MAPICC 3D project and concept aims at developing manufacturing system for 3D shaped, multilayered products based on flexible materials. The ultimate goals are:> The development of integrated and automated process chain able to produce from hybrid thermoplastic yarn to 3D complex shaped thermoplastic composite structure in single step thermoplastic consolidation process.> The development of fl ...
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Safety assurance and certification are amongst the most expensive and time-consuming tasks in the development of safety-critical embedded systems. European innovation and productivity in this market is curtailed by the lack of affordable (re)certification approaches. Major problems arise when evolutions to a system entail reconstruction of the entire body of certification arguments and evidence. F ...
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Combined Model-based Analysis and Testing of Embedded Systems (MBAT)

Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

"One of the most important strategic sectors in which Europe is developing, integrating and delivering high-quality products is the transportation domain. Here, high-class safety-related products as e.g. airplanes, cars and trains have a huge market impact. More and more of the market value of these vehicles is gained by embedded systems inside these products, and the number and importance of thes ...
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ACOUTRAIN will simplify and improve the acoustic certification process of new rolling stock, in particular relating to the TSI Noise. Today the need of conformity assessment for a new vehicle according to the TSI Noise represents a significant element of both cost and time to market due to the need to carry out expensive and time consuming tests. The goal of the proposed project is to speed up the ...
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European Railway Electromagnetic Compatibility (EUREMCO)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

The current authorisation process for placing into service rail vehicles according to Technical Specifications for Interoperability and national safety rules is a very long and costly process. The Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI) provide common regulations for the placing in service of rail vehicle, when such common understanding and harmonized rules exist. This is not the case ...
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Secured Urban Transportation - European Demonstration (SECUR-ED)

Start date: Apr 1, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2014,

"SECUR-ED Project federates, with a delegated management and in a balanced manner, major operators and top industrial integrators to enhance the security of urban public transportation in medium and large cities, through live demonstrations.Based on the best practices, in a very diverse societal and legacy environment, SECUR-ED will aggregate a consistent and interoperable mix of technologies and ...
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Make Rail The Hope for protecting Nature (MARATHON)

Start date: Apr 1, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2014,

MARATHON aims at extracting the maximum productivity from the existing rail infrastructure for producing efficiency, reducing operating costs and attracting new traffic to rail.This represents a market requirement for producing efficiency, reducing operating costs and attracting new traffic to rail. In fact, due to its fragmentation, the railway system efficiency is created through harmonisation a ...
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Facing the problem of enhancing the railway security with a systematic top-down approach (i.e. to search for an all-inclusive solution valid for all the conceivable threat scenarios) is judged by PROTECTRAIL members too ambitious even if it could generate potential economies of scale and effort rationalisation. The proposed PROTECTRAIL approach is therefore to split the problem of making the railw ...
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"EURAXLES is a 3 year R&D project uniting 23 partners across Europe including 6 axle manufacturers, 4 railway operators/IMs, 2 system integrators, 3 technology suppliers, 5 universities, 2 rail sector associations and 1 consulting firm. The consortium is well-positioned to provide a common R&D approach to axle design, protection, inspection and maintenance which will have an impact on standards, r ...
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Railway Induced Vibration Abatement Solutions (RIVAS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

"Ground vibration, effected by rail services, is an important environmental concern, affecting European citizens nearby any rail infrastructure. Surveys show that many Europeans are subjected to annoying levels of feelable vibration and vibration-induced noise. Although solutions are available for track in tunnels, tracks at grade are a much more extensive problem even for vibration-induced noise. ...
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Mutation of transport industry to carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRC) is now ineluctable in order to reduce our mobility environmental imprint. This sector is at a turn of its conversion from metal to composite, which should impose a radical rethinking of the whole supply chain. Combined developments of materials and matched processes is the main strategy of IMS&CPS project, only such a concert ...
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A group of 6 Transmission System Operators (Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany The Netherlands and Spain) with 2 generator companies, 5 manufacturers and research organisations, propose 6 demonstration projects to remove, in 3 years, several barriers which prevent the electric system from welcoming more wind electricity, and wind electricity from contributing more to the electric system. The full s ...
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Modular Urban Transport Safety and Security Analysis (MODSafe)

Start date: Sep 1, 2008, End date: Aug 31, 2012,

The European Urban Guided Transport sector (Light rails, Metros, but also Tramways and Regional Commuter trains) is still characterized by a highly diversified landscape of Safety Requirements, Safety Models, Responsibilities, Roles, Safety Approval, Acceptance and Certification Schemes. While a certain convergence in architectures and systems can be observed the safety life cycle still differs f ...
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ESCoRTS is a joint endeavour among EU process industries, utilities, leading manufacturers of control equipment and research institutes, under the lead of CEN, to foster progress towards cyber security of control and communication equipment in Europe. ESCoRTS will be intersectoral, embracing the following industrial fields: power, gas, oil, chemicals and petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, manufactur ...
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