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Modular Urban Transport Safety and Security Analysis (MODSafe)
Start date: Sep 1, 2008, End date: Aug 31, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The European Urban Guided Transport sector (Light rails, Metros, but also Tramways and Regional Commuter trains) is still characterized by a highly diversified landscape of Safety Requirements, Safety Models, Responsibilities, Roles, Safety Approval, Acceptance and Certification Schemes. While a certain convergence in architectures and systems can be observed the safety life cycle still differs from country to country and in some cases even within one country. Furthermore security items occur more and more as vital for the urban transport sector. In some cases these items are linked to the safety of the urban transport systems. In this context “safety” is seen as everything dealing with the methods and techniques to avoid accidents. “Security” is concerned with the protection of persons and the system from criminal acts. The state of the art will be analysed, merged into harmonized and agreed joint safety packages and extended by still missing elements to strengthen excellence of European surface transport. The MODSafe consortium aims at providing for the first time a coherent and agreed Hazards Analysis and Risk Analysis. Also, beyond today’s scattered landscape the MODSafe partners will for the first time define agreed safety requirements for the safety related functions of an urban guided transport system. In order to achieve such a safety requirements allocation it is necessary to construct a functional and Object Safety Model of an urban guided transport system. This model will be based on currently running and previous European projects. It will thereby utilise and test the existing knowledge and R&D results. Finally, MODSafe will develop an agreed process and layout for generic safety proofs for urban guided transport safety systems in order to improve future cross acceptances.
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