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23 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Despite the tourism annual statistic pointed out a raising number of visitors to wineries in Europe, from the tourism point of view the Wine Tourism training courses are rare, existing two exceptional cases of post-graduate training in Wine Tourism, one in PT (Universidade Lusófona) and other in Spain (Universidad de Salamanca). Therefore BACCHUS SME project will complete an existing lack detected ...
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Cinema for Refugees Social Inclusion

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

RefugeesIN Project intends to contribute to the challenges identified at Europe 2020 initiatives and the European Agenda for Adult Learning as well, where is stressed the need for more cohesive and inclusive EU societies. This was even more accentuate at ERASMUS+ programme with a clear focus on social cohesion and the integration of refugees/migrants into the EU societies, when we are living a hum ...
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Diversity in Adult Education

Start date: Dec 31, 2016, End date: Dec 30, 2018,

The European societies are increasingly diverse in terms of social, cultural and linguistic background. Adult education reflects this diversity, posing challenges to all included: learners, trainers, and administrative staff. Coping successfully with diversity is a demanding task, as a clash of cultures and values is usually involved. The lack of awareness and sensitization on the issue causes oft ...
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Taking to the Top - Adult Educators on the Journey

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

In relation to rapid changes in the labour market, aging population and immigration issues, there is a continual need for adult training in the EU member states that sets the requirements to the quality of training into a totally new perspective. Adult educators need the knowledge and skills that are necessary to train the adults of different target groups on key competences. Adult education insti ...
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Senior trainees on Coding

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

The project aims at developing digital literacy for elder citizens and especially learning basics on how to program. The Digital Agenda is so much relevant to the EC, that it is one of the 7 pillars of the Europe 2020 Strategy, proposing to better exploit the potential of ICTs in order to foster innovation, economic growth and progress across Europe. But, although the ICT is part of daily life for ...
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CREATive Urban Sharing in Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

BACKGROUND The crisis has highlighted the major role which Adult Learning (AL) can play in achieving the Europe 2020 goals, by enabling adults — in particular the low-skilled and older workers — to improve their ability to adapt to changes in the labor market and society. AL provides a means of up-skilling or reskilling those affected by unemployment, restructuring and career transitions, as well ...
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C24 Education and Development Centre is a Company Limited by Guarantee (09463114) that was established in 2014. C24 embraces diversity and multi-culturalism without distinction of race, religion, political opinion, sex or sexual orientation or disability and is respected as a Multicultural and inter-cultural service provider in Peterborough, United Kingdom. C24 Education and Development Centre, ...
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Towards a More Innovative Workplace

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

Innovation has been placed at the heart of the Europe 2020 strategy. In the communication from the Commission regarding the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative, Innovation Union it is stated: ”At a time of public budget constraints, major demographic changes and increasing global competition, Europe's competitiveness, capacity to create millions of new jobs to replace those lost in the crisis and, ove ...
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SALE Yourself makes a difference. Although the number of higher education graduates is the highest in history, the unemployment rate among this target group is as high as never before. In Europe we are currently facing unemployment rates among higher education graduates between 14% and 22% which means that the potential of around one fifth of the highest educated people in Europe cannot exploit th ...
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European Cinema for Active Ageing

Start date: Oct 1, 2013,

Aiming a solution to the European ageing population, demanding older people to acquire new skills and participate actively in society, CINAGE is a course addressing senior’s empowerment, using Cinema as instrument for an active ageing. CINAGE will review European Films and produce a grid for film critical analysis focused on six competences in active ageing - Civic and Community, Health, Emotiona ...
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Tourism is a strategic economic activity in the Europe, whose importance in the economy is likely to continue to increase in the coming years. Employment growth in the tourism sector has been significantly higher than in the rest of the economy in recent years, making the sector a significant contributor to the Lisbon objective to create more and better jobs. Tourism is particularly important when ...
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The strategic aim of the project in the medium term is the improvement of the innovation potential of social economy organisations which is a key factor of success and important to survive in the globalised economy as well as to accomplish the European social model. TSESME focuses on the specific situation of organisations into third sector, greatly the small and medium enterprises of the social e ...
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The project tackles the issue of violence and would like to implement a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence, as stated by UNESCO in its manifesto declaring 2001-2010 as the decade for Peace and Non-Violence. The project aims to address this issue according to a preventive perspective and will both develop and introduce a pilot anti-violence training programme, directed particularly at the teachers an ...
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According to the UNWTO Tourism Highlights, 2014 Edition “Over the past six decades tourism has experienced continued expansion and diversification, becoming one of the largest and fastest-growing sectors in the world. “. Furthermore, the long-term forecasts (*Tourism Towards 2030) indicate that international tourists arrivals are expected to grow by 3, 3% per year for the time period 2010 to 2030 ...
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The well done strategic planning is the most important precondition for a balanced growth and strengthening the company profile as well as an indicator for innovation and development processes.It is never mind if the company is from the SMEs category or large multinational company.To be able to plan strategically provides a competitive advantage to every one enterprise.In the focus of this proposa ...
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The purpose of the planned partnernship is to bring together a range of organizations that aim to provide adults with ways to improve their knowledge and skills through informal learning opportunities. The consortium brings together all the skills and competences required to carry out the work program, and there is an appropriate distribution of tasks across the partners. In addition, the consort ...
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Clear strategic planning is the most important indicator for innovation anddevelopment processes, for a balanced growth and strengthening thecompany profile. To be able to plan strategically provides a competitiveadvantage to enterprises. It allows not only reacting to market fluctuationsbut to analyse and develop medium and longer term concepts forentering new markets, develop new business models ...
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Learning, a Response to Ageing

Start date: Dec 1, 2008,

The relationship between knowledge and skills and economic and social prosperity hasinformed late twentieth and twenty first century educational debate, but adult educationremains, on the whole, rooted in traditional patterns of curriculum planning and delivery.Adult educators need support to keep abreast of the changing requirements ofeducation. They need to understand why a “one-size-fits-all” s ...
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Learning Plus for Adult Educators

Start date: Oct 1, 2009,

In Europe we can see that mobility is increasing, and the result is we can have in the same place (work, classes, home), at same time, very diverse people: gender, age, race, social class, religion, culture, and so on. It is necessary to know how to deal and make the most of this diversity. The trainers and teachers of adults are considered agents of policy and change since they can reach and work ...
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The presence of different kinds of barriers for the access of this target group to the ICT world, from those due to lack of technical expertise or for other purely economic or personal reasons, is a problem faced by all the European countries and, in order to be overcame, it needs large-scale and long-term innovative solutions.Various organizations from Italy, the United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, ...
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The MATURE project addresses the training needs of adult education practitioners in respect of reaching, engaging and motivating older adults who do not readily participate in learning. Our focus is on overcoming age related barriers, aggravated by additional disadvantage caused by health, dependency, cultural and/or attitudinal issues that impact negatively on participation. The project considers ...
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Sapere aude! Dare to be wise!

Start date: Oct 1, 2011,

Alonge Horac's motto "Sapere aude!" (which means: dare to be wise) PEER aims to support peer-to-peer learning approaches in later life which is challenged to design innovative approaches. Online social platforms (and especially senior platforms, such as, hold a tremendous potential for sustaining the older people’s learning opportunities whose lives are bound by their im ...
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There is a rich tapestry of provision of education for older people across all of Europe, supported by a range of agencies, government departments, NGOs, and by older people themselves. There is as yet no effective and ongoing communication process to best share and learn from these experiences. Networks, which tend to be thematic, have emerged but they do not always communicate outside their sph ...
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