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20 European Projects Found

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The TORUS project (Toward an Open Resources Upon Services: Cloud of environmental data) aims to make operational techniques of cloud computing (CC) in the disciplinary field of environmental science and massive databases (Big Data) for future training and projects in partner countries. Schematically, the CC is the mutualisation of hardware and software resources via the Internet. It reduces the co ...
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Food safety issues have reached a dramatic level in most Asian Countries. in its "integration program" ASEAN has put food security as one of its 12 priorities. It is abundantly documented that most of these problems are due to both qualitative and quantitative limitations in food safety management, mainly due to inadequate skills of workers, who often do not operate in compliance with the good pra ...
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Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

Ensuring social, economic and environmental sustainability is one major aim of all the countries but priorities are not the same world over. The partner countries, China and Thailand, are fast growing economies attracting significant Foreign Direct Investment but facing a number of social and environmental challenges. Growing cities, expanding industry and increasing pollution of air, water and so ...
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Preparing for Extreme And Rare events in coastaL regions (PEARL)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

"Coastal floods are one of the most dangerous and harmful natural hazards affecting urban areas adjacent to shorelines. Rapid urbanisation combined with climate change and poor governance means a significant increase in the risk of local surface flooding coinciding with high water levels in rivers and high tide or storm surges from the sea, posing a greater risk of devastation to coastal communiti ...
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SEA-EU-NET 2 will build upon and leverage strong EU-SEA S&T relationships developed through past support and coordination actions, to deepen engagement and build momentum in S&T cooperation. It broadens the scope of EU-SEA cooperation through stimulating sustainable innovation collaborations. SEA-EU-NET 2 will focus on three societal challenges: Health, Food security and safety, and Water manageme ...
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This coordinating action will focus on climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials issues and will aim to enhance collaboration between researchers in the EU and the ASEAN region . Addressing these issues in a coherent way is vital for sustainable development that leads to economic prosperity, social cohesion and environmental integrity. Both regions have developed innovative ideas to re ...
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Transport is a key enabler of economic activity and social connectedness. While providing essential services to society and economy, transport is also an important part of the economy and it is at the core of a number of major sustainability challenges, in particular climate change, air quality, safety, energy security and efficiency in the use of resources (EC 2011: Transport White Paper).The ove ...
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The project aims to support the advancement of the bi-regional STI policy dialogue between the EU MS/AC and the Central Asian countries, with an explicit focus on the Societal Challenges that have been identified to be of mutual interest for the two regions, namely Climate Change, Energy and Health. In particular the project will identify actions and stakeholders and will implement innovative pilo ...
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CASCADE aims to provide the foundation for a future INCONET programme targeting South Asian Countries, which will promote bi-regional coordination of Science &Technology (S&T) cooperation, including priority setting and definition of S&T cooperation policies. The objectives of CASCADE, as an 18-month supporting action, are to: compile a regional position paper that identifies global challenges and ...
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SEA-EU-NET will increase the quality, quantity, profile and impact of the bi-regional S&T cooperation between SEA countries of ASEAN and MS and AS of EU. S&T, essential for a strong knowledge-based economy, underpins policies necessary for governance, and contributes to cohesive social visions and models. S&T excellence also requires global connectivity and an ongoing dialogue. This proposal suppo ...
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Integrated Sustainable Solid Waste Management in Asia (ISSOWAMA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Jun 30, 2011,

The general inadequate, when existing, methods of collection and disposal of solid waste in most Asian cities are causing important environmental and social harms, as human diseases spreading, environmental pollution and ground and water pollution. In order to raise awareness, promote an adequate waste collection and treatment system and the economic growth of this activity sector in a technologic ...
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...and exchange platform - the ‘Aquaculture Compendium’. Project partners: Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling (coordinator; UK); CIRAD (France); WorldFish Center (Egypt), CABI (UK HQ); Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand), Bunda College of Agriculture (Malawi); IRAD (Cameroon); and ETC (Netherlands). This consortium has a balance of expertise in aquaculture research, development and ...
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This project for mobility and collaboration within higher education and research builds on a well-balanced consortium with partners from India and Europe. We have included partners with no or little previous experience as well as with substantial experience from the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 (EMA2) programme. In this way, the project will increase the number of universities that will benefit from EM ...
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The Lotus Unlimited project is fully equipped to continue the cooperation in the partnership (9 EU & 11 SEA partners) and to further improve the project in the coming years learning from the expertise of previous Lotus projects. Project activities will be:- Consortium meetings: to ensure efficient management & monitoring (general/financial) and to plan activities- The Regional SEA Working Group pl ...
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The core domain of TIMUR consortium is Life Sciences. Therefore Partnerships offers the following thematic fields of study: Agricultural Science, Climate Change, Sustainable Energy, Natural Science, Social Science and Geography as well thematic fields as Business studies & Management Sciences, Engineering & Technology and Mathematics & Informatics & Communication.The wider objective of Partnership ...
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Start date: Jul 15, 2013,

The project aims at promoting knowledge transfer, research and innovation as means of steady and sustainable development in both EU and Asian countries involved and key factors in global competitiveness. Most of industrialised countries recognize the relevance of knowledge circulation and transfer for sustained and sustainable economic growth. Mobility is a rising way of investing in education ...
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S1-L13 One More Step

Start date: Jul 15, 2011,

The project ONE MORE STEP aims at promoting sustainable development actions and policies in L13 Countries through academic mobility and enhanced networking. It will try to contribute to the achievement of MDGs by focusing on the valorisation of human resources and skills to foster local development with reduced footprint, competitiveness and sustainable research, innovation and technology transfer ...
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...rom special care. Set up of a list of Bilateral Mobility Projects/Profile, that will be published on the website, and that will help to concentrate the mobility demands towards training needs of the Asian partners that can be met by existing courses or research in the European partners. All the application and selection process will be online, with individual accesses to the Emma Data Base. The ...
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The MAHEVA project consortium includes 11 Universities from 10 Asian countries:Mahidol University (TH), Asian Institute of Technology (TH), University of Health Sciences (LA), Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Hanoï University of Technology (VN), University Gadjah Mada (ID), University Putra Malaysia, University of the Philippines Manila, Madras University (IN), University of Colombo (LK), Nat ...
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