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S1-L12-MAHEVA-MAn Health Environment biodiVersity in Asia (CAMBODIA, MYANMAR, MONGOLIA, VIETNAM, LAOS + GROUP B)
Start date: Jul 15, 2010,

The MAHEVA project consortium includes 11 Universities from 10 Asian countries:Mahidol University (TH), Asian Institute of Technology (TH), University of Health Sciences (LA), Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Hanoï University of Technology (VN), University Gadjah Mada (ID), University Putra Malaysia, University of the Philippines Manila, Madras University (IN), University of Colombo (LK), National University of Mongolia and 9 Universities from 7 EU countries:Montpellier2 University (FR), Pierre & Marie Curie University (FR), University of Granada (ES), Autonomous University of Barcelona (ES), Uppsala University (SE), University of Pavia (IT), University of Warsaw (PL), Catholic University of Louvain (BE), Turku University (FI). The project will be coordinated by the Montpellier 2 University which has a long lasting experience of European projects management. The consortium will also include 24 associates who will be involved at various levels, and specifically into 1) the promotion and implementation of the individual mobility, 2) networking and regional interactions, 3) facilitation of transfer of knowledge and innovation process and 4) evaluation and sustainable development of the project. The mobility activities will focus on specific fields which are of major interest and needs for the Asian Countries and Universities: Health, Environment, Biodiversity. Altogether, 130 individual mobilities are foreseen and only from Asia to EU

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19 Partners Participants