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Toward an Open Resources Upon Services : Cloud Computing of Environmental Data
Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The TORUS project (Toward an Open Resources Upon Services: Cloud of environmental data) aims to make operational techniques of cloud computing (CC) in the disciplinary field of environmental science and massive databases (Big Data) for future training and projects in partner countries. Schematically, the CC is the mutualisation of hardware and software resources via the Internet. It reduces the costs of processing and storage of information in a simplified environment accessible to all. This is an operational response to the problems of Big Data generalized today -by also present major issue in computer science. This simplification and cost reduction offer methodological possibilities not previously explored (eg, test several models, including in the area of Big Data for the reduction of data to compare their relevance). The strategy of the project which aims to organize thematic workshops and practical workshops applied to the environment is a real innovation that meets demand now clearly identified with our partners. CC, recent paradigm of computer science, requires a major investment since theoretical still not teaching before being mobilized by the practice on concrete projects. Projects that will have at heart to strengthen the links between education, research and environmental engineering. TORUS is responding to regional priorities set in the framework of ERASMUS + projects. In addition to the theoretical and practical expertise in place, the project will produce TORUS the specifications for future Master level training with our partners as well as two reference books (scientific pedagogically) and deliver practical solutions CC deployed three levels fundamental CC in partner countries with computer hardware approached by the project.
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