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10 European Projects Found

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Digital Girls: Role Models to get Girls employed

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2018,

It is empirical experience that while the young generation (called “digital natives”) uses digital tools on daily basis, most of them have had neither the confidence nor the initiative to upgrade their passive user skills into "active" digital skills that could have a value on the labour market. Both employment and job search increasingly requires the use of e-skills, and the lack of “digital conf ...
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Skills Innovation Training

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

Skill IT is a transnational European adult education innovative strategic partnership which aims to develop, design and implement inclusiveness strategies for enhancing basic skills, in particular digital skills for specific adult groups -– adults with low level or no qualifications, those in low skilled occupations, unemployed, migrants and economically inactive, older people and least skilled. ...
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DREAM: Dynamic Reinforcement for European Adaptation of Migrants

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

“DREAM: Dynamic Reinforcement for European Adaptation of Migrants” is aimed at exchanging experience and good practices for reinforcing the adaptation and social inclusion of migrants and the capacities of key stakeholders responsible for their integration. DREAM is neither an academic project nor a project of policy makers, but a network project that works at provisional level, looking directly i ...
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Rozwój kompetencji cyfrowych osób bezrobotnych po 50 roku życia

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

...ars of adults with the deficit in terms of e-competence.The project involves 4 organizations dealing with adult education and counselling:Biuro Obsługi Inicjatyw Europejskich Sp. z o.o., Lodz, PolandAKLUB Centrum vzdělávání a poradenství, Krnov, The Czech RepublikNevelők Háza Egyesület, Pecs, HungaryThe Elephant: Learning in Diversity B.V, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
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Digital job identities

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The project DIGI.JOB.ID is a partnership of six European partners in VET who contribute to Europe 2020 and ET 2020 goals by: - developing open learning modules for creating interactive, digital CVs with VET learners, apprentices and graduates using a range of social media platforms in order to demonstrate competences of learners developed in work based learning processes for creating and positive ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The Youthcoach project is a transnational European VET partnership which aims to transfer, adapt and implement innovative projects and products which a) strengthen the partnerships between education and employment in initial VET, b) help reduce the high number of drop outs in VET, c) develop basic and transversal skills especially entrepreneurial skills with young VET learners and d) validate skil ...
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The project aims at elaborating alternative models for parents with an educationaldisadvantage.The overall objective of the project is to offer the opportunity to educationallydisadvantaged parents to become responsible parents by improving their abilities,knowledge and skills related to the family environment.Specific objectives:- improving the family climate through better communication between ...
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The SKILLFUL TREE project aims at enhancing methods and practices for the improvement of vocational training, labour market entry and social inclusion of disadvantaged groups, such as physically and mentally disabled persons, immigrants and young people at risk. As such, project partners will develop an innovative model integrating a range of educational and vocational training, guidance and socia ...
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The complex requirements in today’s constantly changing structures in the labour market offer new challenges to concepts of work qualification. Practical connection and flexibility to adjust to the needs are becoming basic requirements for successful, effective qualification measures. For better teaching results employees should be seen as part of their companies rather than being considered as in ...
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Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament, aims to promote the deployment of renewable energy sources in RES-e, heating and transport, supported by trans-border grids and the international interchange of energy from renewable resources.The biomass use for heating and cooling has reached different development levels in each EU countries, due to the differences between national frameworks and ...
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