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24 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects


Modernisation, Education and Human Rights

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

Policy-making: shaping the future of European Quality Assurance (QA) in Higher Education and Human Capital could be the "elevator pitch" of the present project: Modernisation, Education and Human Rights. The European Consortium for Accreditation in Higher Education (ECA) aims for the mutual recognition of accreditation and QA decisions. To achieve this aim, ECA develops common principles for accre ...
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The European Union is undertaking consistent action to enforce and promote energy efficiency in building sector. The new energy efficient constructions, expression of the European efforts to decrease CO2 emissions, represent a growing share of the building stock. Now there is an unavoidable need to learn from what we are doing, or have recently done, to improve the quality and the performances of ...
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Europe´s electricity sector is in the midst of major transformation moving from public monopolies to competitive private companies in liberalized markets. The liberalization is expected to increase competition and thus increase cost-efficiency in energy production, transmission and distribution with the result of decreasing electricity prices. The efforts of Member State governments to create a mo ...
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The overall concept of MANTIS is to provide a proactive maintenance service platform architecture based on Cyber Physical Systems that allows to estimate future performance, to predict and prevent imminent failures and to schedule proactive maintenance. Maintenance is no longer a necessary evil that costs what it costs, but an important function that creates additional value in the business proces ...
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EU - grenzenlos sozial

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017,

With this project we want to give our students the possibility to fulfill their obligatory internships within the EU. Participants shall deepen their existing knowledge and also gain new competencies. New methods from other countries will be introduced to classmates during lessons. The following points can be determined as main objectives :• growth of competencies• improvement of professional, soc ...
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soziale Kompetenzen erweitern

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Since 2012 there is a competency model for social and personal skills for vocational education. The application had been limited to the classroom. The question of the applicability of the internship was not explicitly checked. Since in our education focus "social management" are to be completed a total of 6 months of internship we would like to expand the concept to the internship. Outcome: With t ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

...dologies for the assessment of internal quality assurance and exchanging and developing good practice in IQA assessment. EIQAS brings together four QA Agencies, PKA (Poland), NEAA (Bulgaria), A3ES (Portugal) and SQAA (Slovenia), the Polish and Portuguese Rectors’ Conferences and HEIs from Slovenia and Portugal. The main activities of the project include: - a comparative analysis of the QA Agenci ...
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Arrowhead (ARROWHEAD)

Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

"Our society is facing both energy and competitiveness challenges. These challenges are tightly linked and require new dynamic interactions between energy producers and energy consumers, between machines, between systems, between people and systems, etc. Cooperative automation is the key for these dynamic interactions and is enabled by the technology developed around the Internet of Things and Ser ...
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The overall objective of this proposal is to reduce the risk associated with investments in sustainable energy projects. The project results should increase trust from investors, financers and insurance companies. The project aims to establish a common practice for professional risk assessment based on technical and financial due diligence. The focus is on photovoltaic (PV) installations, with emp ...
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IFA VET mobility+ 2014

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

The funding applied for within the framework of the project will be used to finance stays abroad for a total of 559 individuals and 37 accompanying persons. 321 apprentices will complete a 4 to 6 week internship specifically suited to their profession, individual level of training, knowledge and skills at a company active in their professional field. IFA will organize internships in small groups f ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

With this project we want to give our students the possibility to absolve their obligatoric internship within th EU. Participants shall improve their practical and gain new knowledge and competences. Students shall discover new methods and share them during school lessons. Furthermore, personal and language competences and self-dependence shall be improved strongly. During school year 2013/2014 1 ...
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A Toolbox for Offshore Wind Farm Cluster Design (CLUSTERDESIGN)

Start date: Dec 1, 2011, End date: May 31, 2016,

Today, an offshore wind farm is merely a collection of wind turbines where the components of an offshore wind farm cluster are optimized but not the overall cluster. In the future, the best-performing wind farms will be designed with an integrated approach. For this purpose, design tools for offshore wind farm clusters must then yield for the overall optimum. This means they must integrate the clu ...
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Environmental policies focus on protecting habitats valuable for their biodiversity, as well as producing energy in cleaner ways. The establishment of Marine Protected Area (MPA) networks and installing Offshore Wind Farms (OWF) are important ways to achieve these goals. The protection and management of marine biodiversity has focused on placing MPAs in areas important for biodiversity. This has p ...
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Tools for Enhanced Photovoltaic System Performance (PERFORMANCE PLUS)

Start date: Nov 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

For a continued decrease of levelised costs of energy from photovoltaics (PV), the prices of PV system components have to be further decreased while performance, functionality, reliability and lifetime on the component and system level need to be increased. In an integrated view, PV system performance emerges from, but is not limited to the performance of the components. The Performance Plus proje ...
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The 3rd evening vocational school of Alexandroupolis, within the framework of implementing a teachers’ training project entitled “The utilization of new technologies in the administration of schools”, which is going to take place in Lisbon on 25th October till 2nd November 2014, has been cooperating with the partner EUROYOUTH Portugal, which has been working for years on European innovative traini ...
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Sozial 2014

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015,

With this project we want to give our students the possibility to absolve their obligatoric internship within th EU. Participants shall improve their practical and gain new knowledge and competences. Students shall discover new methods and share them during school lessons. Furthermore, personal and language competences and self-dependence shall be improved strongly. During school year 2013/2014 1 ...
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Software for the Optimal Place CAlculation for WIND-farms (SOPCAWIND)

Start date: May 1, 2012, End date: Apr 30, 2014,

The existence of large amounts of public available data is a growing fact increasing year by year. Public administrations, private organisations and many other stakeholders are letting the use and consultation of this data freely by all kinds of audiences. On the other hand, the design of wind farms is a complex task that includes the selection of the best location for each wind turbine. There is ...
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MetaPV is the first project world-wide that will demonstrate the provision of electrical benefits from photovoltaics (PV) on a large scale. Additional benefits for active grid support from PV will be demonstrated at two sites: a residential/urban area of 128 households with 4 kWp each, and an industrial zone of 31 PV systems with 200 kWp each. The enhanced control capacities to be implemented into ...
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"The project ENDORSE aims at a user-driven development of downstream services in renewable energies by exploiting the GMES Core Services (MACC, SAFER and Geoland 2) together with other EO/in-situ data and modelling. It addresses regional services promoting the energy use from sun, wind, and biomass, electricity grid management and building engineering through daylighting in buildings. The consorti ...
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The consortium performs research and development in energy meteorology targeting the short-term forecasting of wind power production and electric loads. This includes day-ahead forecasts,regular intra-day forecasts, uncertainty estimates, ensemble forecasting and load forecasting. Moreover the integration of energy services with wind farm SCADA systems and the remote controlling of loads are cover ...
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Wind turbines have grown in size throughout the last decade from several hundreds of kW to several MW’s, the large majority being of the classic three-bladed upwind configuration. However for off-shore installations and off-grid systems reliability, robustness and ease of installation are important design drivers that lead to different technological concepts. Under these circumstances a lightweig ...
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Northern Seas Wind Index Database (NORSEWIND)

Start date: Aug 1, 2008, End date: Jul 31, 2012,

NORSEWInD is a programme designed to provide a wind resource map covering the Baltic, Irish and North Sea areas. The project will acquire highly accurate, cost effective, physical data using a combination of traditional Meteorological masts, ground based remote sensing instruments (LiDAR & SoDAR) and Satellite acquired SAR winds.The vertical resolution of the ground based instruments will be used ...
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This action focuses on demonstrating the development of a cost-effective large scale high capacity wind park using new state-of-the-art multi megawatt turbines coupled with innovative technology used to stabilize the grid. A key objective of the ‘7-MW-WEC-by-11’ project is to introduce a new power class of large-scale Wind Energy Converters, the 7MW WEC, onto the market which has the potential to ...
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PROBLEM DEFINITION In electricity grids the frequency of the voltage is stabilized by a combination of the rotational inertia (rotating mass) of synchronous power generators in the grid and a control algorithm acting on the rotational speed of a number of major synchronous power generators. When in future small non-synchronous generation units replace a significant part of the synchronous power ge ...
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