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Η Αξιοποίηση των νέων τεχνολογιών στη διοίκηση των σχολείων
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The 3rd evening vocational school of Alexandroupolis, within the framework of implementing a teachers’ training project entitled “The utilization of new technologies in the administration of schools”, which is going to take place in Lisbon on 25th October till 2nd November 2014, has been cooperating with the partner EUROYOUTH Portugal, which has been working for years on European innovative training programmes. The great development of information technology and its wide range of applications in school and therefore in its administration were the motives for implementing this project. Its objectives are to explore the various ways in which the new technologies can be utilized in the school administration, to train the teachers who are involved in it so that the existing recourses can be utilized in the best possible way, the budget and the financial issues to be organized and new objectives to be planned. Additionally, to create an in-school network between administration, teaching staff and secretaries, as well as an out- of- school network between the students, their parents and all those involved in education. Ten secondary teachers will work on this project who are involved in the school administration as headmasters, deputy headmasters, those responsible for sectors and labs and project coordinators. The activities of the training programme include the participants’ visits to schools of general and vocational education where they will be presented the Portuguese educational system, contact the administrative staff of the schools and get an insight into the way they exploit the new technologies for the best possible function of the school. Τhey will also be informed about the structure and function of school administration by the local educational authorities. Additionally, they will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the language and civilization of Portugal. The expected impact of the project on the participants is their on-the-job training in the utilization of the new technologies in the administration of schools which will lead to planning the administrative tasks more efficiently, organizing and checking the financial issues and expanding the school communication with the students, their parents and those in charge of the town social network. Furthermore, the improvement of the English language, which will be noted even at the stage of the participants’ preparation, will facilitate the exchange of ideas and innovative administrative practices with other European schools e.g. by means of etwinning. Τhe acquisition of new knowledge in the use of new technologies in the school administration will enable the participants to be more efficient in their administrative duties. They will inform the teaching staff of their school about the training they had by means of PowerPoint presentations and then they will present the material and the results of the project to the teachers holding administrative positions in their town and region. The project and its outcome will be also published in the local printed and e-press and all the presentations and applications will be uploaded in the school website so that all the teachers can have access to it. The dissemination of the results which will be achieved through the fore mentioned ways will create in the long run a new data base in the school administration which will allow free and unrestricted communication between all those involved in education.
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