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In EU and Australia, every year thousands of square miles of forests and other lands burn due to wildfires. These fires cause important economic and ecological losses, and often, human casualties. Both EU and Australian governments are aware of how crucial it is to improve wildfires’ management and containment. Scientists from different specialties, both in EU and Australia, have already developed...
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NETCHEM Project aims at strengthening the capacities for international cooperation in Serbian and Albanian higher education institutions (HEIs) and enterprises in order to increase their education level and technical capacities regarding analytical instrumentation usage for Environmental & Food Safety Control (EFSC) through Technology Enhanced Learning and to increase benefits in health, environme...
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EU Fruit Network (EUFRUIT)

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2019,

The European Fruit Network (EUFRUIT) includes 12 countries focussed on 4 thematic areas of critical for the competiveness and innovation potential of the European Fruit sector: i) new cultivar development and evaluation; ii) minimise residues on fruit and the environment; iii) optimising storage and fruit quality; iv) sustainable production systems. EUFRUIT will coordinate and support innovation t...
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TRusted, CItizen - LEA coILaboratIon over sOcial Networks (TRILLION)

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Community policing promotes the implementation of bi-directional collaboration channels between citizens and Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs). By enhancing the discovery of relevant and up to date information, it speeds up the detection of risks, eases their prevention and builds a continuum of collaboration which motivates citizens and LEAs to work together.Over 36 months, TRILLION - TRusted, CIti...
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Human malignant pleural mesothelioma is an aggressive (fatal) lung cancer which is always associated with previous asbestos exposure. Typically symptoms do not appear until 35-40 years after the original exposure, with life expectancy then 12-18 months. Given the great use of asbestos during the 20th century and this long latency period, it is no surprise that cases of mesothelioma continue to r...
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The aim of AUGGMED is to develop a serious game platform to enable single- and team-based training of end-users with different level of expertise from different organisations responding to terrorist and organised crime threats. The platform will automatically generate non-linear scenarios tailored to suit the needs of individual trainees with learning outcomes that will improve the acquisition of ...
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Start date: Dec 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

The D-Factory aims to set a world benchmark for a sustainable biorefinery based on biomass from halophilic microalgae. Representing the largest (100s ha) of current commercial cultivation technologies for any microalga, Dunaliella microalgal biomass production uses raceways and lakes, and will be expanded with biorefinery concepts by drawing in European innovations in key biomass processing techno...
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LArge Scale Information Exploitation of Forensic Data (LASIE)

Start date: May 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

The LASIE project will design and develop a novel framework to assist forensic analysts in their investigations. The envisaged framework will be based on automated technology for advanced data processing supported by an important human component in critical decision making stages, as well as, legal and ethical aspects. The framework will consist of tools to automatically manipulate, analyse and fu...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Vertical Plant Life

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Due to demographic changes it is foreseen that the number of inhabitants in urban environments will increase to 80% until 2050. Urban areas are therefore the places in which environmental problems most affect the day-to-day life of Europe’s citizens. Green spaces in urban areas have significant potential to improve the quality of life of city and town dwellers, the urban environment and urban sust...
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European Expert in Social Innovation Incubation

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Specific aim of the project is to spread and promote in Europe a new professional curriculum, namely the European Expert in Social Innovation incubation (ESII). Social innovation processes rely on the inventiveness of citizens, civil society organisations, local communities, businesses and public servants and services. They are an opportunity both for the public sector and for the markets, so tha...
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The EUsers Network aims at encouraging the diffusion of innovative teaching approaches, applied research and policy debate on services of general interest (SGI) in the European Union (EU) from a citizens’ perspective, by creating a network of six universities. The focus of the EUsers Network on SGI stems from their increasing relevance in the EU policy debate. Since mid-1990s the role of SGI in th...
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The mission of the NextFactory project is to develop and validate a new type of all-in-one manufacturing technology combining, for the first time, in a single piece of equipment, 3D freeform printing and ultra-precision 3D assembly. This highly flexible and scalable facility will empower microsystem manufacturers - and in particular SMEs - to effectively produce highly miniaturised Smart Products-...
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PROIntensAfrica intends to develop a proposal for a long term research and innovation partnership between Europe and Africa, focusing on the improvement of the food and nutrition security and the livelihoods of African farmers by exploring and exploiting the diversity of pathways to sustainable intensification of African agro-food systems. The exploration will include environmental, economic and s...
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The Effects of Marketization on Societies: The Case of Europe (TEMS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

"In the European Union and beyond, policymakers have come to use the market as a general-purpose policy tool. Dissatisfied with the existing institutions of capitalism, they have introduced price-based competition into new areas of life and ratcheted up competition where markets were already present. Although the recent financial crises have sparked protests and fuelled criticisms of the capitalis...
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Novel Methods in Computational Finance (STRIKE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

"In recent years the computational complexity of mathematical models employed in financial mathematics has witnessed a tremendous growth. Advanced numerical techniques are imperative for the most present-day applications in financial industry.The motivation for this training network is the need for a network of highly educated European scientists in the field of financial mathematics and computati...
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A national service in support of recipients of the H2020 sme instrument and for the enhancement of innovation management in SMEsInnovation is a vital ingredient of growth and an important element of the future success of the UK. With some 95% of R&D and innovation conducted outside of the UK and many major and lead market shaping companies being of non-UK origin, access to knowledge, markets, ski...
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Silicon kerf loss recycling (SIKELOR)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

"Solar energy direct conversion to electricity is expanding rapidly to satisfy the demand for renewable energy. The most efficient commercial photovoltaic solar cells are based on silicon. While the reuse of feedstock is a severe concern of the photovoltaic industry, up to 50% of the valuable resource is lost into sawdust during wafering. Presently, the majority of silicon ingots are sliced in thi...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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A new Aeronautical Training Network is proposed to train Early Stage Researchers and Experienced Researchers in front-line, integrated, industry relevant research in unsteady aerodynamics and noise for the next generation of environmentally friendly wide-body civil aircraft. Building upon the multi-host EST FP6 programme AeroTraNet, AeroTraNet 2 clusters the complementary expertise of 5 establishe...
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The ExoMet proposal revolves around innovative liquid metal engineering and the application of external physical fields, in order to significantly influence the microstructures and properties of light alloys, such as aluminium and magnesium. Three types of external fields will be explored, namely: electromagnetic, ultrasonic and intensive mechanical shearing.To meet the future EU challenges of lig...
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Mucus Permeating Nanoparticulate Drug Delivery Systems (ALEXANDER)

Start date: Apr 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

The objective of the ALEXANDER project is the identification of novel strategies (e.g., proteolytic enzyme strategy, thiomer strategy, zeta potential changing systems, SNEDDS strategy) and the optimization of existing strategies (e.g., disulfide breaking strategy and slippery surface strategy) for the efficient transport of nanocarriers through the mucus gel layer (e.g., intestinal, nasal, ocular,...
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The main objective of POP-ALERT is to prepare societies and populations to cope with crisis and disasters in a rapid, effective and efficient way by blending traditional Crisis Preparedness & First-Reaction strategies with the use of innovative contemporary tools.POP-ALERT proposes to undertake thorough behavioural research and take traditional Crisis Management research a step further by carrying...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The University of Greenwich undertook a project under Key Action 103: Learning Mobility of Individuals (Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility), between 1st June 2014 and 30th September 2015. During this project the University had 88 outbound mobilities (consisting of 64 students and 24 staff), and 91 inbound mobilities (consisting of 88 students and 3 staff). We consider this project to hav...
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The Building an Expertise Network for an Efficient Innovation & Training System (BENEFITS) project aims at providing solutions for keeping the skills trained in the regions of Exeter, Greenwich and Haute-Normandie. To this end, the partnership envisages 3 action steps: study of French work/study programmes and the British Knowledge Transfer Partnership, support for entrepreneurship and business st...
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Start date: Jan 31, 2010, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

The NDI project, which brings together seven partners, will develop support tools in order to facilitate innovation and development amongst SMEs and micro-businesses.In order to understand innovation mechanisms in small businesses, it will draw up a status report and a comparative study of 550 businesses.An innovators kit including a set of practical and methodological tools will be put together a...
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Start date: Jul 31, 2011, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

SAPICO2 aims to create carbonate-cemented eco-construction materials in order to reduce waste and CO2 emitted from small and intermediate-scale industries.
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Ecotec 21

Start date: Jun 30, 2010, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

This project seeks to improve energy efficiency by promoting cogeneration from biomass or biofuel. This highly energy-efficient technology also produces electricity and exploitable heat simultaneously. Cogeneration engines may be powered by several types of combustible matter. Ecotec 21 intends to test these – particularly glycerol as well as waste from the agricultural and wood industries – by in...
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In the frame of Youth Learning Mobility of the European program Erasmus+, the non-profit organization of Theatre and Culture METHEXIS2010 in cooperation with the Cultural Group of Greenwich University, the Informal Cultural group of SciencesPo College and students of the National and Capodistrian University of Athensimplemented the project: “The civil society-Europe of People” in Athens from 17thM...
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What is missing so far in the European Union are disaster management procedures, tools and systems which fully take into account the specific characteristics and requirements of large-scale international cooperation in emergency situations. These characteristics are distinguished by many diverse emergency response organisations that need to collaborate across technological systems, organisational ...
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Gains from Losses of Root and Tuber Crops (Gratitude)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

Cassava and yam are important food security crops for approximately 700 million people. Post-harvest losses are significant and come in the three forms: (a) physical; (b) economic through discounting or processing into low value products and (c) from bio-wastes. This project aims to reduce these losses to enhance the role that these crops play in food and income security.Post-harvest physical lo...
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"Approximately 80% of all products are or were a particle at some point in their processing lifetime. Particle and colloid technology has been described as the ""Growth Engine of Tomorrow"" with the market projected to grow from $2T to $10Tr over the next decade. Alongside with this challenge, the number of researchers active in powder technology is limited and only a few universities, public and...
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Self–Alerting Safety Jacket (SASJACKET)

Start date: Dec 1, 2012, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

The goal of our project is to develop and integrate an appropriate personal alert and locating beacon (PLB) solution within a life-jacket/PFD so that it becomes integral to the purchase, supply and use of PFDs as Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). These ‘self-alerting’ safety jackets (SASJackets) would be used for local alerting and rescue by maritime and inland waterway employees, passengers, a...
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African Food Tradition Revisited by Research (AFTER)

Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

"AFTER aims to revisit traditional African products, knowledge and know-how in the light of new technologies for the benefit of consumers, producers and processors in Africa and Europe. By applying European science and technology to African traditional food products, AFTER seeks to turn research into quantifiable and innovative technologies and products that are commercially viable in both Europea...
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Europe’s pine forests are a valuable economic, social and environmental resource under threat from the introduction of the pine wood nematode (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. Although not a pest in its native North America, PWN has devastated forests in Asia. Since the arrival of PWN in Portugal, the native maritime pine, Pinus pinaster, has proved to be extremely susceptible, with PWN being s...
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ntelligent Modern System Design (I-Mosyde)

Start date: Feb 28, 2014, End date: Nov 29, 2014,

I-Mosyde "Intelligent MOdern SYstem DEsign" in automation is based on embedded system design and (industrial) data communication, and uses advanced diagnostics.Not only industry, but also automation in general services, in health-care (assistive technology for mobility for communication or for living at home independently for elderly people), in building automation, ..., all these "fields" are usi...
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Efficient evacuation from transport terminals is usually constrained by a lack of detailed knowledge of the geometry. In most cases, the population attempts to evacuate via the way they entered, bypassing or ignoring emergency exits. In serious fires, the inability to locate emergency exits can lead to loss of life as in the Kings Cross Underground Station (1988) and Düsseldorf airport (1996) fi...
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The project aims for the increase of passenger survivability in the case of fire aboard aircraft focused on the next generation of aircraft. The composite materials and other combustible materials are increasingly used in order to reduce the weight of the aircraft or to higher the passenger comfort, but they raise the fire load significantly. Although these materials have passed the certification...
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Advanced Materials & Pharmaceutical TEChnologies (AMPTEC)

Start date: Dec 31, 2013, End date: Sep 29, 2014,

The Advanced Materials and Pharmaceutical Technologies cluster will gather some of the world leading researchers who want to undertake an innovative project by joining forces and pooling their respective skills.With their expertise on materials sciences, pharmaceutics, continuous processing technologies and medical devices, they will meet new challenges in pharmaceutical and medical development. C...
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Geography of Inshore Fishing and Sustainability (GIFS)

Start date: Nov 30, 2011, End date: Sep 29, 2014,

The maritime zones situated in the Channel & North Sea are vitally important to the fishing industry that is facing significant changes and challenges. The GIFS project aims to explore the socio-economic and cultural importance of inshore fishing and to provide a pilot project in fisheries-based community regeneration. The goal is to incorporate these factors far more clearly into fisheries and ma...
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