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Η κοινωνία των πολιτών – η Ευρώπη των λαών (The Civil Society - The Europe of People)
Start date: Dec 20, 2014, End date: Jun 20, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the frame of Youth Learning Mobility of the European program Erasmus+, the non-profit organization of Theatre and Culture METHEXIS2010 in cooperation with the Cultural Group of Greenwich University, the Informal Cultural group of SciencesPo College and students of the National and Capodistrian University of Athensimplemented the project: “The civil society-Europe of People” in Athens from 17thMay to 1stJune 2015. 49 people in total participated in the program (45 students and 4 people in charge). The reason behind the planning and implementation of this project was given by the declaration of 2013 as the year of the European Citizen, with the aim to inform and sensitize people, especially young people, on how they can take advantage of the rights given by the acquisition of European nationality in order to understand the policies and actions of E.U, solidify the sense of belonging to E.U and reinforce the active participation in democracy as well as the smooth inclusion and integration in the Single Market. The base of the project was the ancient Athenian democracy through the eyes of its most distinguished philosophers (Socrates, Plato) and writers (Aeschylus- Sophocles Aristophanes). Ancient Athens has been a source of inspiration for philosophy, art, science and democracy. Through the actions of the program we showed how democracy has formed in Europe today throughout time. The connection of ancient Athenian democracy with the modern social, political reality of the European countries was enlightened andcurrent political trends in the E.U were examined. The philosophers who spoke the universal and eternal values on which the modern, social and political prospect of the European Union is founded. In the frame of cultural exchange among European citizens and the free exchange of ideas among young people, we enable them to know the Greek culture through a number of activities that pertain to art and philosophy. The target wasfor each party to better become aware of the culture of the other countries in an attempt to get closer and better understand the needs, the interests and the concerns of all parties involved. Through this journey of knowledge and experience, social and friendly relationships among the participants were made and the importance of multiculturalism as well as the respect of democracy was brought out. The participants, of different cultural backgrounds, realized how crucial the contribution of all cultures is for the formation of a common European cultural identity. Moreover, the participants realized the value of “belonging” to a big cultural family as the one of Europe along with the privileges, the rights but also the responsibilities that arise through the acquisition of the European nationality. Finally, through the workshops of political thinking, the theatrical performances, the debates, the seminars, the lectures and philosophical and political discussions, the participants realized the importance of values such as democracy, justice, equality, solidarity. Fundamental values which are championed and promoted in the frame of the European Union and are the cornerstones for all developed countries of the world. The participants acquired significant knowledge and skills which helped them in their professional and personal development. The goals and the results of the program were:the recognition of non-formal learning in the learning process, and the essential and fruitful awareness of Greek culture through interactive workshops and representation of authentic historic dialogues in archaeological sites (the participants had the opportunity to walk the very same places, where distinguished people of the ancient times walked and then portray these people). In addition, the encouragement for an active participation of the citizens and especially the young ones in the political, social and cultural life of both their country of residence and Europe in general. The emphasis on multicultural society- the civil society. Greek culture awareness through philosophy and art. Encouragement for the participation of young people in the European Parliament elections. Commitment to a development without exclusions: fight against poverty and marginalization along with youth sensitization on these issues. Clear-cut stance against xenophobia and racism and in favour of equality and equal opportunities. The program was based on methods used in non- formal learning.

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