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15 European Projects Found

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Realising an Applied Gaming Eco-system (RAGE)

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2019,

The EU based industry for non-leisure games (applied games) is an emerging business. As such, it´s still fragmented and needs critical mass to compete globally. Nevertheless its growth potential is widely recognised and even suggested to exceed the growth potential of the leisure games market.RAGE will help to seize these opportunities by making available 1) an interoperable set of advanced techno...
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The main aim of Let’s Make It Happen – a Shift into Learning Outcomes in the Welding Sector / MAKE IT project, set to address the Manufacturing & Engineering sector, is to develop a European sector-oriented qualification system through the exchange among EU partners of an innovative training curriculum.The curriculum is designed for an intermediate level of qualification named “Welding Practitione...
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Tourist destinations are led to adopt behaviours capable of responding to a tourism increasingly oriented toward finding authentic engaging and unique experiences. This project is placed within this framework. It aims to define a professional profile of "Destination Managers" that is capable of proposing strategies aimed at managing, enhancing and promoting destinations in an integrated perspectiv...
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To be in accordance with the objectives of Europe 2020 concerning the assurance of a durable and favourable inclusion by promoting an economy with a high rate of employment, our country has to develop its professional education. This system by its particularities, by the concern it has for the business agent and by its implication in the process of professional training, especially through Curric...
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Portugal has been promoting a strategy that aims to strengthen the dual vocational education and training systems. The promotion of a dual certification is due to two main factors: the persistence of high levels of early school leaving in the EU context (% of young people aged 18-24 with at most the secondary education and not in education or training in 2013 = 19.2%, and 11.9% in UE28 - EUROSTAT)...
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OBJETIVOS: Intercambiar experiencias que procuren la adquisición de nuevos conocimientos y prácticas así como el conocimiento de los sistemas de calidad, cualificar recursos humanos y favorecer la inserción profesional de los jóvenes de la zona transfronteriza. Fomento de la movilidad en el marco de la Unión Europea y el uso de las TICs. ACCIONES: 1/ Intercambios de alumnos, profesores y Directore...
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OBJETIVO: Favorecer la competitividad de las empresas y fortalecer los requisitos de RSE en las formas de estructuración del trabajo transfronterizo a través de actuaciones de análisis, inspección y coordinación conjunta entre instituciones de Galicia y el Norte de Portugal.ACCIONES: Acción 1. Sistema de inspección y cooperación; Acción 2. Programa de Formación y Especialización; Acción 3. Plan de...
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OBJETIVO: Contribuir al impulso de la movilidad transfronteriza a través del empleo, la formación y el trabajo en común de las oficinas y centros de empleo, tratando de dinamizar y articular los mercados laborales a los dos lados de la frontera.ACCIONES: Análisis del mercado laboral transfronterizo e identificación de oportunidades de empleo; formación coordinada de las personas para incrementar s...
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Trainers take action against mistreatment of children : Faced with the growing phenomenon in Europe of violence against children, linked with the breakdown of the nuclear family, the management of the AIGS (Association interrégionale de guidance et de santé) in Belgium decided to react. They developed a training project named “Joconda”, intended for professionals dealing with children, in collabo...
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Personalised training tools to help integrate learning into the work processes of SMEs. : Teaching employees new skills for coping with technological and organisational change. This project started in 2000 and lasted 30 months.
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The PEGASE project meets the training needs of staff who must address the psycho-social aspects of the difficulties encountered by workers or the unemployed. This staff includes social workers and carers in general. The project reinforces their aptitudes and skills in the field of mental health. The project will produce distance training programmes (EN, FR, EL, PT) available on the Internet and CD...
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Event Organisers International will develop a specialist training programme aimed at event organisers working within the international arena, this is based upon the recognition that there is a lack of coherence and co-ordination within vocational training in the events industry.Following an initial needs analysis and consultation with those working in the industry (large venues and small organisin...
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At national level, each of the countries involved face, on one hand, the need to adapt their own VET system and quality VET assurance and development system to integrate EQARF recommendations, and on the other hand, are dealing with the implementation of LLL policies and the corresponding need to address quality assurance and development in a particular field of VET operation - guidance and counse...
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El Gobierno de Canarias y el Gobierno de la República de Cabo Verde formalizaron en 1999 un Convenio Marco de Cooperación, revisado posteriormente y actualizado a través de un protocolo de actuaciones en noviembre de 2003 con el objeto de promover una mayor cohesión económica y social entre ambos Archipiélagos y propiciar una mayor integración territorial impulsando un desarrollo sostenible en lo ...
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El proyecto pretende impulsar la revalorización del Patrimonio Cultural de la Macaronesia desde sus Raíces, siendo el Objetivo global generar unas actuaciones por medio de los jóvenes, en convergencia con las líneas de actuación europeas, que les ayude a adquirir conocimientos y capacidades adaptadas a los tiempos actuales pero teniendo siempre como referente su identidad cultural. El Motivo de co...
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