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10 European Projects Found

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Basic Innovative Skills in Adult Training in Organic Agriculture

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

CONTEXT: 1. Population studies indicate that within the rural areas there are groups socially excluded such as women who emigrate because of lack of professional perspectives and the existence of a large number of people over 40 years old with few or none possibilities of employment. 2. The European Strategy of Employment (ESE) proposes an elaboration of new educational models and tools that allow...
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The demand for skills shifts towards more sophisticated tasks and technology pervades all aspects of life. Jobs increasingly involve analyzing and communicating information. Challenges in VET include strengthening efforts to promote creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship, and ensuring professional development opportunities for VET teachers and trainers. ICT skills will become more critical in...
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Europe has set a clear and ambitious strategy (Europe 2020 Strategy) to base its economy on a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Part of this concept is to initiate the development towards an innovative, resource efficient and bio-based (bio-economy) European economy. Such development should contribute to economic growth and the creation of jobs, while mitigating climate change effects and p...
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The project wants to promote qualifications of women, youth, employees of SMEs related to tourism, environment and possible future managers of Natura 2000 network. The innovative aspect of the program is to develop an integrated system of training, qualification, follow-up, permanent training and labour insertion. Furthermore there will be an official approval of the training itinerary and trainin...
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The MYKOS project will develop, pilot and introduce an outline curriculum for the training and qualification of specialists in the use of wild and cultivated fungus.The project will focus upon the development of innovative training for particular target sectors to include; women & unemployed youth from rural backgrounds and the physically and mentally disabled, with the aim of effectively improvin...
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The PRO AERE project aims to promote and to develop the role of agriculture in the production of renewable energy as a means of local development i.e. optimising agricultural and forestry production and employability in rural areas and to improve upon existing environmental conditions. Project partners will initially undergo a study relating to the potential for development and employability withi...
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The aim of the Trade On-line project is to improve intervention instruments with a view to increasing employability in the agricultural and rural development sector. A new occupational profile, "specialist in employability promotion in rural areas", will be established.Initially the partnership will focus on analysing employment prospects in rural areas and on national and regional policies on emp...
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The ´Iris´ project aims to foster employability and regional development in deprived rural areas by developing a vocational training programme in organic farming, a sector with an increasing need of qualified workers. This project is addressed to young and long-term unemployed people with low qualifications, and other disadvantaged groups coming from deprived rural areas. The project partners will...
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Making rural interpretation second nature : The project has produced interactive guides for different subject areas and print and CD-ROM-based training programmes for a new professional profile which will provide job opportunities for disadvantaged groups in rural areas. This project started in 2003 and lasted 30 months.
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The project tackles certain needs of continuous training for professions and key sectors related to the effective water management. This training is based on transfer of innovation, already validated by two pilot projects of international reference developed one of them in the framework of the LIFE Programme ( the other one under the Leonardo da Vinci framework and whos...
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