Search for European Projects

PRO AERE – Agricultural Projects for Renewable Energy in Europe

The PRO AERE project aims to promote and to develop the role of agriculture in the production of renewable energy as a means of local development i.e. optimising agricultural and forestry production and employability in rural areas and to improve upon existing environmental conditions. Project partners will initially undergo a study relating to the potential for development and employability within the agricultural and energy sectors. The project will further undertake a training analysis in the agriculture-energy sector and will develop a series of guidelines relating to the planning of training in the sector. Additional outputs from the project will include a handbook for trainers and a technical handbook providing specific training materials for the agriculture-energy sector. Primary project beneficiaries comprise training designers and managers, teachers, agriculture and forestry technicians, environmental technicians, and energy experts. The dissemination strategy for the project includes the establishment of dedicated webpages, the production of a project leaflet and regular newsletter, the release of articles to specialist press and the hosting of a series of workshops, seminars and transnational conferences.

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9 Partners Participants