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Basic Innovative Skills in Adult Training in Organic Agriculture
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXT: 1. Population studies indicate that within the rural areas there are groups socially excluded such as women who emigrate because of lack of professional perspectives and the existence of a large number of people over 40 years old with few or none possibilities of employment. 2. The European Strategy of Employment (ESE) proposes an elaboration of new educational models and tools that allow adult training; this will favor the training and labor insertion of people “less qualified” and “less advantaged groups” of the rural areas. 3. Agriculture and rural areas in general are going through an educational, cultural, social and economical delay leading this sector to be in clear disadvantage when compared to urban areas. In the center you find many necessities that have blocked a population very much in need of help. 4. According to the Eropean Rural Development Fund (ERDF) it is necessary to look for alternative formulas supported by emergent products (organic agriculture - OA) to improve the social and economic conditions as well as the fixation of population in areas of strong depopulation. 5. The necessity to increase the rate of participation in adult training is still one of main European goals especially in the southern countries of Europe and in the new members of the EU.SIGNIFICANT DATA: 1. Rate of unemployment in rural areas: marginalized groups 42%, rural women 28%, physically disabled 23%, young people without vocational qualifications 27%, people over 40 76%. 2. Non existence of specialized curriculum in non vocational training of adults in organic agriculture. 3. Lack of adult training tools capable of responding to the necessities detected. Indicators: 1. 87% of EU citizens consider that guarantying safe foods is an essential role of the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy). 2. 89% believe that it is essential to protect the environment. 3. Organic agriculture in the EU has increased at an average rate of 500.000 hectares per year. Currently in the entire EU there are more than 186.000 organic agriculture farm businesses. 4. In 2011 more than 225.000 organic farmers were registered in the EU. 5. Women represent 24% of the agriculture entrepreneurs of European organic agriculture holdings. In some countries this percentage is higher: Letonia 41 %, Croatia 32 %, Italy 30 %.Political Priorities: 1. At a European level: a. the new institutional framework of the Lisbon Treating redefines the budgetary framework with the new strategy “Europe 2020” of the EU economic growth supported by the potentiating of organic production. b. The CAP in force since 2014 till 2020 supports the organic agricultural sector. c. The training of adults is a vital component of the permanent education policy of the European Commission.2. The proposal reinforces, through training, the postulates of the Maastrich Summit (1991) and the EAFRD legislation regarding agriculture and environment that sustain the national and the EU agriculture politics.3. Experts in rural development and other activities related with the “Europe of Knowledge” have detected through the DAFO reports developed by the Rural Development Programs, Encouragement Plans, local Agenda 21…, that there does not exist itinerary of non vocational training with European dimension in the organic agriculture sector. GOALS: 1. Develop a Competency Unit (CU) in OA for the non vocational teaching of adults. 2. Potentiate the development of permanent learning: teaching, contents, alternant practices and handling ICT (information and Communication Technologies). 3. Involve the most vulnerable social sectors in a process of non vocational training of adults. 4. Incorporate in the adult training activities that can manage new ways of living: active aging, recreation and free time management and therapy activity.Number and Profile of the participants: 1. Adults (over 40) in rural areas, unemployed, in risk of exclusion and disabled. 2. European organizations that work with retired people in rural areas. 3. Instructors and professionals specialized in adult training. 4. Professionals and social agents dedicated to work with adults in rural areas. 5. Universities that investigate the subject of active aging. 6. Authorities in charge of making the decisions in this area.ACTIVITIES 1. Coordination and evaluation of the Project. 2. Development of the work tools. 3. Training, teaching and learning activities with 15 people per partner, belonging to the destined group. 4. Dissemination of the results.METHODS:a) Innovative working techniques: 1. Exchange of experiences within the transnational association. 2. Implication of the partners in the collective activities. 3. Comparison of the results for further corrections. 4. Adaptation of the tools to the concrete necessities of each country. 5. Allow the participation of local social agents, teachers, specialists and destined group. 6. Use of multimedia tools. 7. The destined groups will participate in the Project

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