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6 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

One of the most severe upcoming issues faced by Europe’s economy is the planning, organisation and implementation of effective business succession. Companies find less and less qualified aspiring people to whom the management of the business can be passed over faithfully. Experience shows that the smaller the company, the bigger this problem is. This means, that the most affected are micro and fam...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

FHMs ERASMUS Mobility Project seems to be quite successful in the last two years. We had 25 mobilities over all, most of them had traineeships. A student had to quit his traineeships because of assassinations in Paris but he is ok. Two Professors lecture to students abroad. All our students have to take care for their own traineeship and have to find out a Company themselves.
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Eine rasche Entwicklung von ICT-Technologien führt zu deren Etablierung auch im Hochschulbereich. Der E-Learning-Kompetenz als Kompetenz, mit neuen Medien sowohl zu lernen (Lernkompetenz) als auch zu lehren (Lehrkompetenz) wird in diesem Zusammenhang immer mehr Bedeutung beigemessen. Im zentralasiatischen Raum werden auf politischer Ebene nationale Entwicklungsprogramme forciert, die den Einsatz v...
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Der Weltenergiebedarf wird nach neuesten Schätzungen bis zum Jahr 2030 um 70% steigen. In Kasachstan und Turkmenistan sind, trotz der hohen Vorkommen fossiler Brennstoffe, die Themen wie Energieknappheit, steigende Energiepreise, Klimawandel sowie energieeffiziente Ressourcennutzung aktueller denn je. In KZ und TM wächst das Bewusstsein für effiziente Energieerzeugung und -anwendung. Der Energiebe...
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The number of business start-ups is increasing in several countries in Europe – for example in Germany, Slovenia, Lithuania, Latvia and Bulgaria. So the aim of our project was to support the development of entrepreneurial competencies. Especially the export-activities are increasing, so that we focused at entrepreneurs who are acting international and need therefore intercultural competencies. In...
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In the field of tension between rising costs and increasing complexity the concept of Case Management (CM) has been established in Germany and the UK. CM regards the private life of a person in the context of the available systemic options. This requires both technical and methodological skills, competences which exist in the EU's partner countries Latvia, Poland, Greece and Slovenia only selectiv...
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