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14 European Projects Found

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International Trade Mobility for You

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

This project was born within the context of the sending organization development plans and internationalization strategy (with over 20 years of investment/activity in R&D and Innovation, Cooperation and Partnership national and international projects) as well as a result of the specific needs of the project direct beneficiaries.The project involves 70 participants, trainees from an International T...
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Empowering Agribusiness Training in Emilia 2

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

The Municipality of Correggio has made significant commitments with respect to European policies that can be implemented locally to promote a thorough European citizenship. The applicant is working at all levels of education and is Agency of the Italian network for the transnational mobility of young people EURODESK.It is the territory of the Parmesan cheese, traditional balsamic Vinegar of Reggio...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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"FP4BATIW is a coordination and support action addressed to foster partnerships and networking aiming to implement the best available water treatment technologies in the MPC region by promoting the interaction between highly qualified members, both from EU and MPC, of the knowledge value chain on water treatment and corresponding stake holders community (national water agencies, municipalities, in...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The programme consists in promoting the mobility of students in higher vocational education enabling them to carry out their work placement abroad.In our school our students hold their bachelor's degree( baccalauréat) and pursue professionally-oriented studies specialized in the tertiary sector. Our students'mobility funded by Erasmus grants is part of our school's project: indeed,gaining internat...
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Las empresas que conforman las cadenas de suministro alimentarias ejecutan sus procesos en ausencia de información en tiempo real y sin colaboración entre ellas lo que provoca roturas de stock, planificación errática y la acumulación de inventarios e ineficiencias en el transporte. Esto unido a los problemas en las comunicaciones de la zona pirenaica, dificulta enormemente el intercambio de mercan...
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El proyecto Inntegra nace de las conclusiones obtenidas tras la ejecución del proyecto WATCH IT. El objetivo general es fortalecer la economía del espacio Sudoe mediante la promoción de contextos territoriales locales o regionales altamente competitivos a través de la puesta en marcha de planes globales de acción en materia de innovación, formación, creatividad y colaboración. Los resultados esper...
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Start date: May 31, 2006, End date: Mar 13, 2008,

«IDEAMED MEDOCC » a pour objet la mise en place dun dispositif de « génération de projets durables » au bénéfice des réseaux dentreprises (CCI, Clusters, Pôles de compétitivité…), dinstitutions (Collectivités territoriales, agences publiques…) et de Centres de Recherches (Universités, instituts…) dans la région MEDOCC dans un premier temps. De plus, le Projet IDEAMED MEDOCC a vocation de préparer ...
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SEMSEM est un projet structurel régional qui concerne 25 partenaires de 7 pays : Algérie, Liban, Maroc, Tunisie, Espagne, Italie et France. Le coordinateur, Université Montpellier 2, s'appuie sur 4 ministères (MESR), 10 universités pilotes du Sud : pour chaque pays, une ou deux universités «marraines » partenaires , ayant déjà une structure pour les stages, et une université « filleule » peu rompu...
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DEFI-Averroès est un programme structurel régional qui concerne 7 pays : Algérie, Liban, Maroc, Tunisie, Espagne, Belgique et France. Le coordinateur, Université Montpellier 2, s'appuie sur les réseaux d'écoles d'ingénieurs Polytech et CODIGE. Le partenariat comprend 4 ministères (MESR), 13 universités, et 8 acteurs représentatifs du monde socio-économique. Il recouvre en partie le périmètre du c...
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The overall objective of the project is to bring innovative thinking into the region’s Higher Education and to enhance universities' ability for encouraging and conducting collaboration with their economic environments. The project will promote the development of sustainable partnerships between universities and enterprises in the South-Mediterranean region through the establishment of Centers of ...
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The project intends to develop a framework for engineering applications with focus on Aircraft Engineering in RU, assisted by EU partners from IT, FR and SE. This project aims to develop a Qualifications Framework for the Aircraft Engineering industry and by so doing to help develop the acceptance of the Bologna three cycle approach and associated activities e.g. ECTS and quality Assurance. The sp...
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- Proposing criteria clearly open to all to allow those who wish to adopt this Label Pro HR.- Make available a number of all information, such as repositories- Rely on an organization professional non-profit such as FMRH, which offers all the device labeling.- Making sustainable approach, based on these professional organizations.- Install the Label Pro HR, for it expresses the quality of training...
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Le projet vise la création et la mise en place dune structure ou dun réseau de coopération technique : investigation, développement et innovation sur des concepts et de nouveaux procédés mécaniques.
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