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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The programme consists in promoting the mobility of students in higher vocational education enabling them to carry out their work placement abroad.In our school our students hold their bachelor's degree( baccalauréat) and pursue professionally-oriented studies specialized in the tertiary sector. Our students'mobility funded by Erasmus grants is part of our school's project: indeed,gaining international experience is one of our major focuses. We encourage our students to carry out their work placement abroad to meet two objectives: - become more familiar with other European cultures and work environments -Improve their language skills, which will be hugely valuable and boost their employability The Erasmus grant recipients have mostly followed technological studies and have had little or no access to experience abroad. By providing them with the opportunity of achieving their internship abroad they can nurture ambitious aspirations and set themselves higher professional goals.It is interesting to mention that more than half of our students are also sholarship holders. Furthermore the students will be assessed on the work experience gained abroad as it is part of their curriculum. Yet we have to admit that all students do not succeed equally well and all don't rise to the challenge as well as expected. However challenging the experience may be the students agree that it is a not-to-be missed opportunity that provides them with insight into a foreign work environment and culture.

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