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Through SUMPs-Up, an experienced consortium of public and private organisations, including four major city networks and seven frontrunner cities, skilled in coordinating major European SUMP projects will accelerate the take-up of SUMPs, where this is currently low, ensuring that SUMP is the primary mobility planning concept in Europe. To achieve this, the project will combine comprehensive SUMP re...
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Participatory Urban Living for Sustainable Environments (PULSE)

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2019,

PULSE (Participatory Urban Living for Sustainable Environments) will leverage diverse data sources and big data analytics to transform public health from a reactive to a predictive system, and from a system focused on surveillance to an inclusive and collaborative system supporting health equity. Working within five global cities, PULSE will harvest open city data, and data from health systems, ur...
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Around 50% of the global population lives in metropolitan areas, and this is expected to grow to 75% by 2050. Mobility within these areas is complex as it involves multiple modalities of transport, multiple managing authorities, as well as several millions of citizens. The cost of inefficiency in transport and mobility are enormous. For example, inefficiency costs the UK economy €5.8 billion each ...
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Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Rostrum+ is a project that aims to promote contemporary classical music and strengthen this sector in Europe and beyond. It will do so by exploring innovative strategies to develop audiences, promote new music, enhance the capacity and skills of radio professionals and inspire cooperation between musicians, higher music education institutions and broadcasting companies throughout Europe and across...
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Elderly-friendly City services for active and healthy ageing (City4Age)

Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2018,

The first and core objective of City4Age is to enable Ambient Assisted Cities or Age-friendly Cities, where the urban communities of elderly people living in Smart Cities are provided with a range of ICT tools and services that - in a completely unobtrusive manner - will improve the early detection of risks related to cognitive impairments and frailty while they are at home or in the move within t...
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Transportation sector undergoes a considerable transformation as it enters a new landscape where connectivity is seamless and mobility options and related business models are constantly increasing. Modern transportation systems and services have to mitigate problems emerging from complex mobility environments and intensive use of transport networks including excessive CO2 emissions, high congestio...
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Coordinated energy-related PPIs actions for cities (CEPPI) (CEPPI 2)

Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

CEPPI aims to build capacity in cities on how to achieve more sustainable energy solutions through a pro-innovation procurement approach (PPI) & to demonstrate this by selectively intervening in scheduled public tenders. The interventions will involve 5 cities with different economic & political situations & provide the case-based evidence for replication by others.The scale of energy demand in ...
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This project will establish a demonstration fleet of small passenger vehicles that builds on and expands existing hydrogen refuelling infrastructure. Three European regions will be participating in this effort: the UK (the Midlands and Plymouth), the Brussels area and Wallonia, and the Weser-Ems region in NorthWest Germany. Each of these regions will deploy a new hydrogen refuelling site to close ...
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Utveckla kulturen i ytterstaden

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

In Europe one of five main aims for EU 2020 is to strengthen social inclusion, equality and active citizenship. Stockholm has the ambition to be an attractive city innovative and growing diverse and eventful according to the vision 2030. The city of Stockholm has the ambition to be an international arena for cultural events, creativity and innovation. A clear mission for the culture administratio...
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Twinned Cities Youth Sports Exchange

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

Frankfurt and Lyon has been operating an exchange programme that is know in its seventh year of a youth sport exchange between Frankfurt’s and Lyon’s sports clubs. With last year catering for over 300 young people from Lyon & Frankfurt taking part in a week's worth of sporting activity across 15 different sports, that were received in Frankfurt. Like the previous years, the Sportjugend Frankfurt a...
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The LARA system, the main outcome of the project is a mobile device for utility field workers. The hand-held device integrates different technologies such as: positioning and sensors (GNSS), Augmented Reality (AR), GIS, geodatabases, etc. In practise, this device will guide the field workers in underground utilities to ‘see’ what happening underworld, like an “x-ray image” of the underground infra...
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OpenTransportNet (OTN) will create collaborative virtual service hubs that aggregate, harmonise and visualise open transport-related data to drive the rapid creation of innovative new applications and services. OTN has chosen Transport as a cross border focus-area because it touches upon almost every facet of 21st century living, making it an ideal target for the creation of solutions that can be ...
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New Bus ReFuelling for European Hydrogen Bus Depots (NewBusFuel)

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The overall aim of NewBusFuel is to resolve a significant knowledge gap around the technologies and engineering solutions required for the refuelling of a large number of buses at a single bus depot. Bus depot scale refuelling imposes significant new challenges which have not yet been tackled by the hydrogen refuelling sector:• Scale – throughputs in excess of 2,000kg/day (compared to 100kg/day fo...
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A national service in support of recipients of the H2020 sme instrument and for the enhancement of innovation management in SMEsInnovation is a vital ingredient of growth and an important element of the future success of the UK. With some 95% of R&D and innovation conducted outside of the UK and many major and lead market shaping companies being of non-UK origin, access to knowledge, markets, ski...
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OPTICITIES’ vision is to help European cities tackle complex mobility challenges. OPTICITIES’ strategy focuses on the optimisation of transport networks through the development of public/private partnerships and the experimentation of innovative ITS services.OPTICITIES addresses both passenger and freight transport issues supporting a user-centred approach.OPTICITIES delivers significant innovatio...
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Share-PSI 2.0 brings together a critical mass of government agencies and organisations responsible for implementing the new PSI Directive. Lead by the W3C, the consortium includes the Open Group and Open Geospatial Consortium as fellow standards bodies plus the PSI Alliance, Open Knowledge Foundation, Open Data Institute and PwC as the primary contractor in the ISA Programme's work on interoperabi...
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This project builds on research that shows the disproportionate impact of the economic crisis on young people across Europe, including excessively high rates of youth unemployment and threats to the social provision enjoyed by previous generations. This is compounded by the 'coming of age' of the descendants of recent migrant communities - who now form significant proportions of the young populati...
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Light Night

Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

The 20th Century was characterised by a tremendous growth in our capability to develop ever more sophisticated electronic devices, which have fundamentally transformed the way society functions. We now sit on the threshold of a similar revolution due to developments in photonics, which seeks to exploit the photon – the elementary particle of light – in the same way that electronics is ultimately c...
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The TRANS-FORM project will apply both proven and emerging methodologies for innovation procurement to the diverse and complex area of sustainable transport in cities. It will thus advance the state-of-the-art in general and help accelerate the much needed market transformation in this important area for European society and Innovation Partnerships. A tripartite core group of nine organisations ...
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The Lila project aims to support the internationalization of innovative companies in the energy and digital economy. which have been evaluated as key sectors by NWE regions. with the strategic potential of high growth. Lila is based on the Living Labs approach. the European open innovation methodology which involves users in the product development process. For the first time Lila will realize...
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My Neighbourhood | My City (My Neighbourhood)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

The My Neighbourhood solution will combine new digital technologies and techniques, such as social gaming principles (gamification), with the Living Lab methodology to help strengthen existing ties and resolve communal issues in the real, day-to-day world of the neighbourhood. The solution will be rooted in an open My Neighbourhood site that 1) combines the data and functionality of existing City ...
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DISCOVER aims to tackle 3 main issues: increased digital competences and engagement of social inclusion actors (carers); increased use of ICT solutions for delivering social support and care; and raising the profile of social inclusion work.The project will create a new service to deliver digital skills training for carers. This will focus in particular on opportunities for informal carers as a so...
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Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

The project aims at developing the economic sector of sustainable renovation mainly by stimulating the innovation capacity of SMEs working in this field. The project will contribute to the transition to low-carbon cities and sustainable economy and will improve the knowledge and expertise on sustainable renovation of existing buildings. Partners of this project are key stakeholders involved in...
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Saving Energy in Europe's Public Buildings Using ICT (SMARTSPACES)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

To substantially reduce peak and overall demand for energy and water across EU public buildings, the project will develop a service comprising innovative ICT-based energy decision support, awareness and management service components. Decision support is provided directly to city energy managers and other professionals responsible for building performance, and to building users, both staff and visi...
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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is defined as "a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis."In recent years, public entities have recognised CSR’s potential as organisational innovation to improve social conditions and promote regional development and competitiveness...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

BACKGROUND.Most surveys and analyses in EU are focused on innovation performance of private sector,while innovations in public sector remain largerly understudied and thus unknown.The simplest definition CCIC will use is 'public sector innovation is about new ideas that work at creating public value'.In terms of innovation,regions and municipalities have a crucial lead-role.Thus,CCIC aims to incre...
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moting Cross-Innovation in European Cities and Regions (Cross-Innovation)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

ABOUT PROJECT CROSS-INNOVATIONProject Cross-Innovation focusses on experience exchange between 11 leading European cities in relation to the promotion of collaborative and user-driven innovation that happens across sectoral, organisational, technological and geographic boundaries (= cross-innovation). In this context, a specific focus rests on policies and support measures that enable cross-innova...
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Internet of Energy for Electric Mobility (IoE)

Start date: May 1, 2011, End date: Oct 31, 2014,

The objective of Internet of Energy (IoE) is to develop hardware, software and middleware for seamless, secure connectivity and interoperability achieved by connecting the Internet with the energy grids. The application of the IoE will be the infrastructure for the electric mobility. The underlying architecture is of distributed Embedded Systems (ESs), combining power electronics, integrated circu...
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Delivering Local Bioenergy to NW Europe (BioenNW)

Start date: Mar 31, 2010, End date: Mar 30, 2014,

The project aims to promote the wider adoption of local bioenergy in NW Europe (NWE). & thereby help realise the potential that exists in NWE for biomass to make a substantial contribution to increasing energy security. reducing carbon emissions & creating employment. The project will promote the take up of decentralised heat & power schemes at a small scale ( ...
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European Platform for Intelligent Cities (EPIC)

Start date: Nov 1, 2010, End date: Aug 31, 2013,

The EPIC platform will combine the industrial strength of IBM's 'Smart City' vision and cloud computing infrastructure with the knowledge and expertise of leading European Living Labs' such as Apollon partners IBBT Brussels, ISSY-Media and Manchester to ensure development of a European 'innovation ecosystem' that provides an extensive range of opportunities for sustainable, user-driven web-based s...
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The NET-EUCEN project will create, animate and manage a working network of stakeholders in the Governance and Policy Modelling domains belonging to all the European countries and with relevant knowledge of massive on-line service fruition and eInclusion policies and interests, thus covering the whole supply chain of the Service for Users (S4U). The project will address the following specific objec...
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Making Knowledge Work (MKW)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

The Making Knowledge Work (MKW) consortium consists of 12 ambitious regions wishing to improve their regional innovation capacity. They all observe that excellent research does not always find its way into commercially valuable innovations and excellent ideas are often not used. Policy action is needed to bridge the gap in the innovation chain. It asks for projects on micro level and meso level st...
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Business creation generates both growth and employment. Therefore, encouraging people to become entrepreneurs is a strategic goal to exploit the endogenous potential of territories and to maintain the competitiveness of EU regions. Start-up support policies are also an innovative marketing tool for EU territories because they increase their attractiveness, .Many EU regions have implemented polici...
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ublic Lighting Strategies for Sustainable Urban Spaces (PLUS)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

The lighting of public space accounts for 60% of public energy use in an average city. It is clear that any reduction that can be achieved will have a significant impact on total energy use and, therefore, on CO2 emissions, without forgetting the positive effects on public finances. The PLUS project makes a significant contribution to decreasing energy use and rationalizing energy consumption rela...
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Brum Dine With Me: The Science of Food (BDWM)

Start date: Apr 24, 2012, End date: Nov 23, 2012,

"Our EU Researchers’ Night will use the concept of food as an everyday commodity which is actually a fascinating and engaging research subject, breaking down barriers between cultural, age and socio-economic groups in an exciting interactive portfolio of activities.The City of Birmingham, affectionately known as “Brum” to its residents, has the second biggest population in the UK and is enormously...
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MyUI will foster the mainstreaming of accessible and highly individualized ICT products – a major issue for e-Inclusion. The project addresses important barriers which include developers' lack of awareness and expertise, time and cost requirements of incorporating accessibility and missing validated approaches and infrastructures.The project's approach goes beyond the notion of Universal Design by...
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The aim of the Project is “to foster the innovation capacity of Creative Industries (CI) in order to access new markets”. The creative sector is the most dynamic sector in the economy. It is a key driver of economic and social development and leads to innovation in various other industries and sectors. Turning creative ideas into businesses is the key aim of the project. It will focus on the excha...
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Creative industries (CI), having a potential for wealth and job creation through the generation and exploitation of intellectual property, form an integral part of the knowledge economy (Interreg IV C Operational Programme). Through exchanging experience and good practices, this project aims to strengthen the capacity and effectiveness of public support to unlock and support the economic potential...
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Digital Environment Home Energy Management System (DEHEMS)

Start date: Jun 1, 2008, End date: Jul 31, 2011,

DEHEMS will extend the current state of the art in intelligent meters, moving beyond energy 'input' models that monitor the levels of energy being used to an 'energy performance model' that also looks at the way in which the energy is used. It will bring together sensor data in areas such as household heat loss and appliance performance as well as energy usage monitoring to give real time informat...
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Science cities are becoming increasingly important across Europe. Their central strategic aim appears to be boosting the knowledge economy nationally and to support the goals defined in the Lisbon strategy. In order to do this, it is important that the ‘triple helix’ of universities and research organisations, business and the public sector work together to ensure that research and development (R&...
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