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ublic Lighting Strategies for Sustainable Urban Spaces (PLUS)
Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The lighting of public space accounts for 60% of public energy use in an average city. It is clear that any reduction that can be achieved will have a significant impact on total energy use and, therefore, on CO2 emissions, without forgetting the positive effects on public finances. The PLUS project makes a significant contribution to decreasing energy use and rationalizing energy consumption related to public lighting. It will do so by analyzing the existing public lighting strategies of each partner as well as the actions developed thus far, by means of 'deep dive' visits which will each time focus on a specific environmental challenge in the field of lighting. Successes and shortcomings will be identified, and be compared to the other partners' own experience. Each deep dive will lead to an individual set of recommendations, resulting in an improved public lighting Strategy and Action Plan for the participating cities and regions.The purpose of this strategy capitalising on existing good practices and results related to energy saving and efficiency, is to offer viable solutions to the environmental challenges each partner faces, later to be financed through Structural Funds OPs. Dissemination of project results is a core activity of this capitalisation project. Matching and accelerating existing knowledge of partners using the deep dive methodology bringing together all relevant stakeholders at partner level will result in high quality strategies which are not only of interest for the partner cities but all over Europe. By focussing on new ways of approaching the field of urban public lighting utilising technological innovation, the project contributes to energy efficiency, and ultimately sustainability and economic success. Due to the multi-faceted nature of public lighting, lighting strategies in public spaces may only be designed and implemented in an integrated way, also taking into account aspects ofe.g. urban lighting pollution, citizens' sense of safety, traffic regulation, social cohesion & city marketing. The PLUS project unites the following cities and regions, all having clear public lighting strategies or being in the process of developing one: Eindhoven, Nice Côte d'Azur, Lyon, Birmingham, Leipzig, Bassano del Grappa, Plovdiv, Patras, Burgos, Tallinn and Iasi. The consortium is completed with LUCI, the global network uniting cities and lighting professionals. All of these partners are well aware of the multi-faceted role public lighting can take in their community, and of the contribution it may make, if used properly, to the sustainable development of Europe's cities. The consortium as a whole represents an intentionally composed palet of cities/regions bringing in existing good practices that will, as a result of the project, improve their existing public lighting strategies and action plans, or that will further help them realise their ambitions in this field. Achievements: Energy efficiency in urban lighting is a hot political topic and an exciting challenge. But there are no quick solutions. Lighting technologies have undergone major evolutions in the last decade, offering cities new perspectives and possibilities for the development of their urban lighting strategies. And there are still major changes in the pipeline.Today, LED lighting is at the centre of many discussions on sustainable urban lighting. However, several challenges lie ahead for municipalities: what are the implications for cities in terms of planning, procurement, and financing? How can they deal with the issue of social acceptance? Most of all, what could be the most appropriate timeline? The PLUS project (Public Lighting Strategies for Sustainable Urban Spaces), which aims to capitalize on existing urban lighting best practices in European cities, has looked into these questions as a way to develop future lighting policies and strategies.PLUS Mainstream GuideThe PLUS cities released the PLUS Mainstream Guide at the PLUS Final Event "Light Up Your Cities" conference in Eindhoven (The Netherlands) on the 25th of October 2012.The Mainstream Guide, which brings together all the information produced within the framework of the project, sees PLUS cities share their innovations, insights and new approaches to public lighting.For more information see:
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  • 77.2%   1 303 313,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Interreg IVC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

11 Partners Participants