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22 European Projects Found

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5TOI_4EWAS project will focus on Targeted Open Innovation in energy, water and agriculture societal challenges through a balanced innovation-friendly ecosystem in the Southern Mediterranean Neighborhood (SMN) based on quintuple helix and NEXUS approach. The project will enhance and support regional smart specialization and development by increasing research capacity, effective mobility of young in...
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The project aims at modernization of Higher education methodologies with cooperation of EU experiences, by establishing well equipped center, which engage technology with teaching process and it will be used to train Professors, Lecturers, Trainers whom already exist in Partner countries and Trainees in best practices of ICT in education. The project aims to ensure that universities in Jordan and ...
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The project explores the adoption of strategies and channels that embrace the principles of openness and reusability within the context of South-Mediterranean HEIs. The project intends to foster the adoption and pilot of open educational practices (OEP), and open educational resources (OER) in South-Mediterranean countries as a bottom-up approach to support the modernisation, accessibility and int...
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The MEDiterranean Public HEALTH Alliance (MED-HEALTH)

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

A solid public health system constitutes a pillar of advanced societies, capable of providing their citizens with an enabling environment for development and smart and inclusive societies. All countries in Europe and beyond need to address increasingly global health challenges with the support of innovative approaches and skilled professionals. To do so, HEIs need to introduce programmes with a wi...
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"ETRERA 2020 - Empowering Trans-mediterranean Renewable Energy Research Alliance for 2020 energy targets – is a project aimed at face front the future energy needs in the Euro –Mediterranean area by reinforcing creating a collaborative research/innovation network for supporting renewable energy sources (RES) technologies development and application, in accordance with EU policy addresses.The ETRER...
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Machrek Energy Development - Solar (MED-Solar)

Start date: Dec 31, 2012, End date: Dec 30, 2015,

The project in briefThe countries of the Mediterranean area face the same specific energy reality: the increase in the energy price and the weakness of the electrical grid (impossibility of having increase in the power supply, interruptions, etc.), which reduces the security of supply in critical facilities such as hospital and schools as well as the proper development of the small and medium size...
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This proposal aims to reinforce the cooperation with Europe’s neighbours in the context of the European Research Area. The An-Najah National University (NNU) in the Palestinian-administered Areas (PS) will coordinate the proposal, supported by the European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering (EUCENTRE) and the Institute for Advanced Study of Pavia (IUSS) in Italy.The support...
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Intellectual property (IP) management and innovation play an undeniable role in knowledge-based economies, sustainable development and growth; in Europe, this is underlined, i.a., by the ‘Europe 2020 Strategy’.While the world faces a generalised economic crisis, the situation is particularly difficult in regions with fast-growing population and high unemployment rates, illiteracy and poverty, what...
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The impact of impairment on a person depends on his/her ability to cope, the tools available and the environment. In the Middle-East as in many other countries in the word, rehabilitation services are often not a priority for health care providers and as a result, persons with visual impairment are not likely to achieve their full potential. In this project, a consortium of Universities and non-go...
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The aim of RecoNow project is to favour and to increase the quality of vertical and horizontal student mobility within Middle East and European higher education systems. Partners intend to improve competencies and skills of credential evaluators by defining common practices and realising common tools among European and Middle East national bodies and HE institutions, starting from the experience o...
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The overall aim of HERMES is to develop training and scientific exchanges between European and the Middle East higher education institutions which will build and strengthen links between them and result in a strong sustainable contribution to the construction of a Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education and Research Area.The specific objectives are: - To develop higher education teaching and learning ...
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PHOENIX intends to develop a structured mobility based cooperation between 8lot2 HEIs and 9 EU HEIs . This cooperation network aims at supporting students from all levels (under-, Master and PhD), Potdoc and senior administrative staff to gain experiences, expertise and skills through interaction in an international environment. project activities:1-organizing of consortium first meetings "kick o...
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The objective of PEACE project directly corresponds to the development of further collaboration among EU and Middle East Institutions for sending and hosting mobility of talented students and staff, enhancement capacity, transparency and employability as well as skills and qualification of institutions and individuals.The PEACE project promotes 156 flows of students and staff (to and from EU) in a...
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Enhancing cooperation between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and industry has become a critical issue to respond to the challenges of increasing employment opportunities and socio-economic growth (in Europe, this was already highlighted under the ‘Lisbon Strategy 2000’ and is now reinforced under the ‘Europe 2020 Strategy’).While there is a global economic deadlock, the situation is particul...
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The project builds capacity of selected faculties of education and higher education institutions in the MENA region by introducing international best practices from the EU in three areas: action- research, effective practicum and school-based teacher CPD. The project aims to strengthen partnerships between universities and schools. Schools are social institutions constituting the work place of fu...
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MEDAWEL provides HEIs in SNA with a holistic approach to student services (SS) for increased student wellbeing and applicable service offers via targeted planning and development on institutional, national and regional levels, in line with national goals and regional Tempus priorities. Specifically:- sustainably strengthen capacities in 8 SNA HEIs for SS implementation and development via training...
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The project proposes “Middle Eastern Partnership in Sustainable Engineering”. Sustainable engineering comprises of the idea that appropriately designed products, technologies, production systems and services are critical to social and economic performance of industrial sector across partner countries (PCs). This concept fits into the development strategies of both PCs.ME-Eng aims to strengthen the...
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Start date: Oct 18, 2010,

Lot 3b is a partnership of 16 European and Palestinian universities, led by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). Its aim is to stimulate academic mobility at ali levels and both ways, but especially at PhD level since the project will support the Palestinian universities in setting up doctoral programmes. VUB and most of the European partners have extensive experience in academic cooperation with...
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The main aim of the project is to develop a strategic plan for reforming environmental studies in the Palestinian higher education system through development of partnerships with enterprises, on the basis of local and international practices and experience. The project will evaluate the current status and practices of environmental studies in Palestinian higher education institutes. The best pract...
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