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Curriculum and Skill Development in Vision Rehabilitation
Start date: Dec 1, 2013,

The impact of impairment on a person depends on his/her ability to cope, the tools available and the environment. In the Middle-East as in many other countries in the word, rehabilitation services are often not a priority for health care providers and as a result, persons with visual impairment are not likely to achieve their full potential. In this project, a consortium of Universities and non-governmental organizations in Europe and the Middle East will work together to improve the quality and quantity of the services for persons with visual impairment by developing university curricula and training resources on vision rehabilitation (VR). The project participants are: Aston U. (UK), Focus Birmingham (UK), Eötvös Loránd U. (HU), Hamburg U. (DE), Radboud U. Nijmegen (NL), Royal Dutch Visio (NL), German-Jordanian U. (JO), U. of Jordan (JO), and An-Najah National U. (PS), Bethlehem U. (PS) and Bethlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation (PS). The goal will be achieved by improving the VR content in the curricula of ophthalmologists, optometrists and occupational therapists in the target programs. Through workshops, practical assignments, study visits and practical training, the lecturers and clinical instructors will be provided with the knowledge and experience they need to upgrade the existing curricula and provide services to the community. The third year of the project will be dedicated to a series of meetings and workshops in JO and PS targeting other universities, professionals, parents, and teachers to raise awareness on the rehabilitation needs and possibilities persons with visual impairment. Finally, training resources and awareness materials in the field of VR will be produced, translated to Arabic, and available for download on the internet. The end result will be the establishment of a multi-disciplinary network of VR professionals determined to support the development of comprehensive services in the region.
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10 Partners Participants