Global Skills Network SL
Global Skills Network is looking for opportunities to apply skills as a consortium administrator in terms of creating responses to calls for entrepreneurship education and training. Please view our website at entrecomped . eu. Our model involves EntreComp training modules, a Community of Practice and Virtual Badges for qualification transparency, as well as telecollaboration in terms of virtual exchanges for dialogue, discourse and intercultural understandings.
We build and maintain partnerships for cross-border collaborations in Europe, the European Union/EEA and Mediterranean/Ionian regions that includes the Middle East and Northern Africa. When preparing a joint project proposal, our staff delves deep in the issues to assure the proposal addresses a challenge - the WHY - with activities that can overcome a constraint - the causes and effects of a problem or challenge - and highlights the cross-border relevance of the solution being proposed. We are a project's communicators with native-English speakers for keeping the partners informed from the beginning of bringing the partners together for planning through the proposal preparation and during the implementation and dissemination phases.
Our newest venture is , a collaboration of educators, nonprofits and community development initiatives addressing the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. Twitter: @SolvingSDGs and @SDGHumanFaces
Global Skills Network has a long history of collaboration and partnerships. Since 2003, we have partnered in lifelong learning programmes and projects promoting entrepreneurship and innovation by organising,monitoring and certifying a wide range of projects - from internships and work experience to training, VETPRO and strategic partnerships for cross-border collaboration. We are the premier transnational project management specialists for Erasmus+ and lifelong learning in Catalonia, headquartered in the Mediterranean's most vibrant city - Barcelona!
Sandra Lund-Diaz, , is our Director of Strategic Partnership - send her a note to info at globalskillsnetwork com or visit us online at globalskillsnetwork com
Our network includes: EYE - The E-Incubator for Young Entrepreneurs (eyeincubator com) for EntreComp entrepreneurship education and training; Erasmus Actions for Erasmus+ mobility (erasmusactions com); Crisalus (crisalus com) for telecollaboration and virtual exchanges; Knowledge Building in Action (kbinaction com) for inquiry-based learning and training courses - online or in-country - including training the trainer workshops.
Follow us on Twitter @EntreCompEd @SolvingSDGs @GlobalLinkages @ErasmusActions, @CrisalusDialog, @KB_in_Action
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Capacity Building
Social Innovation
Culture and Development
Cross-border cooperation
International Project Management
5 years ago
Capacity Building
Social Innovation
Culture and Development
Cross-border cooperation
International Project Management
5 years ago
Capacity Building
Social Innovation
Culture and Development
Cross-border cooperation
International Project Management
5 years ago
Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Capacity Building
Social Innovation
Culture and Development
Cross-border cooperation
International Project Management
5 years ago
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