Torridge Training Consultants Ltd
Kenny has for many years been involved in education and learning with a particular emphasis on vocational training within MSEs. With over 30 years industrial experience providing knowledge on how successful companies work, what they need and how to obtain that which is needed.
"All businesses need skilled labour, staff development is crucial to growth and prosperity".
More recently he has been involved in sourcing grants and funding to help company's reach their aspirations. He has written many successful submissions over the past 7 years which a number of organisations and learners have benefited from.
- An ardent supporter of E-Learning and M-Learning and other innovative means for skills development
- E & M learning software developer
- Creator of many web based Training tools
- Augmented Reality (AR)
- AR in real time
- Web site development and training
- Managerial interactive tool-kits & information portals
Writer of many European and UK project applications including; RDA, ESF, LSC, TOI, DOI, EQUAL, ERDF, LLP, Grundtvig. Securing around £15 million over the past 10 years