Mareike Chalkley

 Entrepreneurship and SMEs

: Jan 18, 2018

About Me

I’m motivated by working with ambitious and innovation-led businesses and organisations across all sectors to help realise game-changing projects. My specialism lies in understanding complex projects, and shaping them to successfully secure EU, UK and German grant funding. Particular areas of interest include technology, sustainability and social mobility.

Currently, I am in a transitional phase planning my relocation to my home country Germany in summer 2018 after 20 years in the UK. Having formally stepped down from my co-founded consultancy Granted I am free to explore new opportunities either side of the North Sea, or indeed further afield!

Please message me if you would like to explore working together on your funding project.

Professional background: 12 years media sector - international project and business management. Followed by 8 years specialist management consulting at my company Granted Consultancy Ltd supporting clients across all business lifecycle stages. Our strategic approach to business growth is underpinned by developing and successfully executing a sound funding strategy across grant funding, private investment and crowd funding. Granted is still going strong, see for more info, case studies etc.

Fields of Expertise:

 Start Up
 Low-Carbon Economy
 EU Strategy Baltic Sea Region
 European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
 Horizon Europe
 International Project Management
 Business Development

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