Slivo pole Municipality
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Slivo Pole municipality is located in Northern Bulgaria and is one of the constituent municipalities of the Ruse region.
There is no developed rail and air transport in the municipality, but there is a huge potential for the development of water / river / transport through the port in Ryahovo village. Autotransport is the most developed. The main road II-21, connecting the cities of Rousse and Silistra, passes through the municipality. The villages situated in the municipality are connected through a fourth-class local road network.
The good geographical location and the developed transport infrastructure make Slivo Pole Municipality an attractive and promising place for investments.
Slivo Pole municipality is located near European corridor №7 - road and European corridor №9 – river by road transport.
The largest protected area in Bulgaria – “Kalimok-Brushlen protected site” is situated in the municipality. Project activities for the restoration of the wetland are carried out by the World Bank and ;
The territory is characterized by rich natural and cultural heritage. This creates favorable opportunities for the development of cultural tourism. The sites include:
- Prehistoric Thracian village only 2 km northeast of today’s location of the city of Slivo pole. The remains have been found in 1952 during excavation of the channels of
- A Roman tomb – mausoleum – a site of national significance near the village of Babovo. The site is related with the ancient Roman city of Apria which remains nowadays rest under the waters of the Danube River.
- The village of Borisovo is famous with its ethnographic museum collection.
- Two Thracian settlements and one Neolithic known as “Yaztepe” are situated near the village of Kosharna.
- Antique castle “Apiaria” near the village of Rahovo
Demographic characteristics: The main ethnicities in the municipality are Bulgarians (47%), Turkish (39%) and Roma (11%).
The municipality has carried out a huge number of project financed by the EU. Most of them include internal programmes such as OP HRD, OPE and others. The municipality is a member of the LAG Tutrakan-Slivo pole.