Authentic European Consulting SRL

 Project Development
 Interregional cooperation

: Feb 26, 2020

About Me

Authentic European Consulting stands at the forefront of the consultancy industry in the Balkans and Eastern Europe, dedicated to providing comprehensive services to public and private entities, as well as local authorities seeking to access European and structural funds. Our team has extensive experience in consultancy, project preparation and management, training delivery, with a deep understanding of EU Funding Programmes, including Horizon Europe, Erasmus+, COSME, Life, CERV, Creative Europe, SME instrument, and EIC Accelerator.

At Authentic European Consulting, we go the extra mile in supporting our clients. Whether it's assisting with the preparation of applications for financial aid, completing funding applications, or conducting in-depth feasibility studies, market and marketing strategies, economic-financial analyses, project management, and monitoring activities, we exceed expectations in every aspect of our service.

Our expertise extends to creating various essential documents such as strategies, action plans, communication papers, research papers and studies, and analytical work. We also excel in joint programming, establishing valuable partnerships that set us apart as a reliable and effective partner.

One of our proudest achievements is our outstanding project winning success rate of 95%. We have forged strong relationships with over 30 partners and stakeholders from the EU, the US, the Balkans, and Eastern Europe. With an impressive portfolio of more than 150 written projects on Erasmus Plus, Europe Aid, and European Structural and Cohesion Funds (including POC, PNRR, POCU, and POIM), our expertise speaks for itself.

At Authentic European Consulting, we firmly believe in the power of knowledge and skill development. That's why we are dedicated to delivering high-quality training that equips our clients with the necessary tools to thrive. By obtaining over EUR 90 mln funds for our clients, we have played a significant role in driving sustainable development in various communities, and we take immense pride in our contributions.

Fields of Expertise:

 Entrepreneurship and SMEs
 Single Market
 Creative Europe
 EU Strategy Danube Region
 Horizon Europe
 Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme
 EEA and Norway Grants

Ideas in Progress
No ideas yet!
Calls Followed

 Entrepreneurship and SMEs
 Single Market
 Capacity Building
 Horizon Europe
 Green Deal
ExpectedOutcome:Increased number of SMEs linked with other entities across Europe and beyond for cross-border business cooperation, technology and knowledge transfer and technology and innovation partnerships;Increased number of SMEs aware of sustainability challenges and opportunities and integrating them in their business proce...
Deadline Feb 4, 2025   - 29 days