Ruse Industrial Association
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Ruse Industrial Association is a regional representative of Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA).
BIA is a nationally recognized organization of employers and participates with its representatives in the operation of all national consultative councils, supervisory and managing bodies of state public institutions. BIA is the only business organization which is a member of BUSINESSEUROPE, a confederate-like European business organization, thus representing the Bulgarian companies and employers’ interests on a European level. Furthermore, it actively participates in the work of the International Labour Organization (ILO), the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the South East European Employers’ Forum (SEEEF). BIA is also among the founders of the Union of Black Sea and Caspian Confederation of Enterprises (UBCCE).
As a regional representative of BIA, Ruse Industrial Association provide services to the business in Ruse Province as follows:
- prepare studies, analyzes and expert assessments;
- provides legal, accounting and other consultations;
- assists in the preparation of foreign trade and customs documents when registering under the
licensing and other regimes;
- commercial arbitrage;
- helps establish business contacts, negotiation and conclusion of commercial transactions;
- prepares application projects under operational programs co-financed by the EU and implementing project management;
- assists registration of trade marks, designs, models and patents, as well as protection against
Infringement of industrial property rights;
- organizes trainings, provides conferences halls, PR and information services.
Ruse Industrial Association is in cooperation with Ruse’s University based on a Memorandum for the encouragement of entrepreneurship and the development of the business environment in the region from April 6, 2015 and they organizes internships for students at their Business Center and in their member companies.
Rousse Industrial Association has provided its expertise and advisory services for the preparation and the implementation of the following projects:
- 2009 – 2013 - Agreement № BG 051PO under measure BG 051PO ; "Enhancing Labour Market Flexibility and Effectiveness through Active Actions by the Social Partners within 2007-2013 " - participated in the development of sector analyzes of trends in technological development and the state of human capital; also supported the project in developing a system for workforce competence assessment by sectors for Ruse’s region;
- provided consulting services for the development and implementation of 3 projects under procedure "Improving Production Capacity in SMEs "under OP" Innovation and Competitiveness "2014-2020;