Raúl Vieira
in Life Sciences from the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC). Extensive technical expertise, management and resourcing in the field of industrial enterprise, specifically industrial management for treatment of industrial hazardous waste and decontamination of soil and water polluted with organic and inorganic residues.
Proven management of complex projects from the design stage, through the implementation to the final start-up stage.
Main achievements:
► Co-author of the "Technical-Economic Project for Integral Management and Treatment of Wastes resulting from the Oil Spill due to the 'Prestige' Tanker sinking (2003)". SOGARISA. Funding: 24 million Euros. Waste volume: 80,000 tons. Year: 2004. Financing: Spain's Central Government.
► Planning, implementation, start-up and management of the first Facility in the Iberian Peninsula of an "Evapo-Thermal Oxidation Plant for the treatment of Industrial Wastes with high organic content". SOGARISA. CDTI R&D project. Year: 2002. Total amount: million Euros.
► Implementation and "start-up of the installation for the treatment and chemical stabilization of waste from the 'mad cow' disease (BSE)". SOGARISA. Year: 2000- 2001. Waste treated: 5 million kg. Total amount: million Euros. Entity: Spanish Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, and Xunta de Galicia.
► "Start-up of the first Facility in Iberia for the Treatment and Recycling of Household Batteries" (Feb 1998). SOGARISA. Total amount: million Euros. Entity: Ministry of Environment.
► "Control and management of several cleanups campaigns for Treatment of Soils Polluted by Lindane and Heavy Metals". SOGARISA. Soil volume: 19,000 cubic meters. Years: 1997-2000