Carmen Cotelo Queijo
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
PhD in Physics (Electronics and Computer Science) from the University of Santiago de Compostela), large experience in the field of ICT and HPC and their applications in Research and Industry.
Innovation & Technology Transfer - EU programmes at FEUGA
FEUGA acts as the Knowledge Transfer Office of the three Galician public universities (University of Santiago de Compostela, University of A Coruña and University of Vigo), and thus works jointly with more than 600 research groups and 200 companies in the region. We promote, advise and encourage the participation of research groups from the Galician universities and industry in European and International Research & Innovation initiatives and actions, offering tailor-made strategies for the transfer of knowledge in EU projects (dissemination, exploitation, etc.).
As a partner we participate in several EU projects: 14 H2020, 9 Interreg and 3 Erasmus+.
I am interested in collaboration opportunities related with ICT Calls and any other relevant calls Call in which digitalization is a key component.